Friday, December 17, 2004

# 23 FBI + CIA + 13 more = KGB

Not only is it hard to keep up with every different thing Bush is doing wrong, he's upgrading some of them before I can finish one point!

#23 FBI + CIA + 13 more = KGB

KGB = AmeriKan Gestapo of Bush

Quotes from "The New American",

Purges and New Powers at the CIA,

12-13-04, p. 6.

Bush's newly appointed CIA Director, Porter Goss, is pairing the CIA together with the FBI.

The FBI was meant for internal matters and the CIA for external, so that neither could become a national police force (read: Gestapo or KGB). But Bush's boy is creating a national police force, at Bush's bidding.

Newsday, 11-4-04 reports that "The White House has ordered the new CIA Director, Porter Goss, to purge the agency of officers believed to have been disloyal to President George W. Bush ..."

The 11-17-04 New York Times verified Goss as telling his employees "that their job is to support the administration and it's policies".

Loyalty is a great quality, but gov't officials take an oath of loyalty to the Constitution, not the president. There should be no conflict between the two, but we've seen there all too often is.

It was clear that the leadership breaches of the federal organizations, FBI and CIA, were responsible for allowing 9-11 to occur whereas the local police and firemen did a truly heroic job. Thus it makes no sense to take what worked (the local police) and replace them with what failed (the federal groups).

Bush to Sign Intelligence Overhaul Bill

Dec 17, 7:52 AM (ET)


WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush is signing into law the largest overhaul of U.S. intelligence gathering in 50 years, hoping to improve the spy network that failed to prevent the Sept. 11 attacks.

The 563-page bill, which endured a tortured path to congressional passage, also aims to tighten borders and aviation security. It creates a federal counterterrorism center and a new intelligence director, but Bush was not expected to fill that post at Friday's bill signing.

The new structure was designed to help the nation's 15 intelligence agencies work together to protect the country from attacks like the ones that killed nearly 3,000 people in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania on Sept. 11, 2001.

The Sept. 11 Commission, in its July report, said disharmony among the intelligence agencies contributed to the inability of government officials to prevent the attacks.

The government failed to recognize the danger posed by al-Qaida and was ill-prepared to respond to the terrorist threat, the report concluded. Commission members and families of attack victims lobbied persistently for the legislation through the summer political conventions, the election and a postelection lame duck session of Congress. The bill was threatened over disagreements between the White House and key House Republicans about immigration issues and how the new national intelligence director would work with the nation's military. Bush was criticized for not engaging aggressively enough with members of his own party to break the impasse. Pundits questioned what that meant for the president's ability to gain approval from a Republican-controlled Congress for his ambitious second-term agenda. But in the final days, he and Vice President Dick Cheney pushed hard for the legislation, and both the House and Senate passed it overwhelmingly.

Just as Bush changed his mind on supporting the creation of a Homeland Security Department and creation of the independent Sept. 11 Commission, it took him a while to endorse the commission's strong recommendation that any new director of national intelligence have full budget-making control, necessary to wield true power in Washington. Bush at first rejected that idea but later supported it.

The new director position was one of the bill's most controversial aspects. Although the legislation gives the new director strong budget authority, its language is complex enough that there could be continued debate over the exact extent of the director's power.

Some names that have been mentioned for the post include CIA Director Porter Goss; Lt. Gen. Michael Hayden, the head of the National Security Agency; Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage; and White House homeland security adviser Fran Townsend.

The new law includes a host of anti-terrorism provisions, such as letting officials wiretap "lone wolf" terrorists and improving airline baggage screening procedures. It increases the number of full-time border patrol agents by 2,000 per year for five years and imposes new federal standards on information that driver's licenses must contain.

The measure is the biggest change to U.S. intelligence gathering and analysis since the creation of the CIA after World War II to deal with the newly emerging Cold War.