Monday, January 17, 2005

# 77 Bush supports over-the-counter abortions.

Can any sane Christian conservative still support this wicked man? Now he's advocating making the "morning after" abortifacient pill as available as aspirin.

More babies will be killed by this convenient pill than by all other methods combined, but some of you will still insist Bush is pro-life.

Items #76 and #77 should convince the most loyal, worshipful Bush-bot, that their hero is a FRAUD (like I told them years ago) and unworthy of the support of any Christian. But many will remain true to their beloved Sun Myung Bush, no matter what the facts are.

WASHINGTON -- The Bush administration is considering whether to make morning-after birth control available without a prescription, and like most issues that involve sex and pregnancy, it has generated heated debate.

The morning-after pill is a higher dose of the contraceptive hormones found in the Pill. It prevents ovulation or fertilization, and can prevent a fertilized egg from implanting into the uterus.

Because medical experts do not consider a woman to be pregnant until after an egg implants into the uterus, the morning-after pill is not considered abortion, although some conservatives object to any interference with a fertilized egg.