Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Bush Scorecard: 60 as of 1.10.05

Remember, this is only the liberal and ungodly stuff Bush has done SINCE the election, which was only two months ago! John Kerry could never have kept up this pace. I'm having a hard time just recording them. I only have time to check a handful of sources. No doubt I've missed a few.

1 - 25 are on this page (click here)

26 - 50 are on this page (click here)

51. From Ozzie to Elton to Kid Rock.



At least they backed off on this (for now), just the fact that they would consider this vile, obscene, wailer who makes Eminem sound clean-cut, is bad enough in itself. But it fits the Bush modus operandi. He has already honored Black Sabbath's occult rocker Ozzy Osbourne and sodomite singer Elton John. Even if they nix Kid Rock, no doubt they will have other raunchy rockers in his stead.

52. Bush administration pays off media.


Imagine the uproar it would've caused if Bill Clinton had paid off the liberal media to promote his unconstitutional education programs. It's no less wrong for Bush to pay off the liberal media to promote his unconstitutional education programs. It really isn't - just because he's a Republican doesn't justify his criminal activities (That last line is for the Bush-bots who think anything Sun Myung Bush does is right just because it's him doing it).

53. Bush urges Congress to subvert American industry.


The unconstitutional WTO tries to shackle American industry (cotton and steel this time).

Foreign countries subsidize products so they can be sold on market below COST to eliminate U.S. competition.

Congress tries to protect American interests.

Of course WTO rules that's illegal and fines America. Bush urges Congress to comply with the New World Order directive.

54. Bush slips TIA into intelligence reform bill.

"Intelligence Reform Charade", The New American, January 10, 2005

The Orwellian Total Information Awareness program was nixed in 2003 by Congress after a huge outcry from freedom-loving Americans.

Now Bush has installed the same increased wiretapping, surveillance, search, arrest, detention, and prosecution powers into the recently passed Intelligence Reform bill (mentioned in #23).

55. Bosom buddies with Bill.


Remember, Bush already made point #4 of the Scorecard for his part in dedicating the Clinton library (no doubt a branch of the Lion's Den porn chain).

Now he invited his best-bud, and New World Order comrade, to come to the White House.

They are playing so nice together!

56. GWB invites Abbas to White House.


We've already seen that Abbas is every bit as radical as the late Yasser Arafat


but Bush will pretend he's 'more moderate' (a more moderate terrorist?).

Abbas' consorting with the RCC is also quite 'interesting'. Remember, Arafat's wife, Suha, was Catholic.

What strange bedfellows Islam and the RCC appear to be.

57. Bush commits future taxes to tsunami victims.


There's nothing wrong with charity, but there is something wrong with using someone else's money (stolen from them).

There is something wrong with committing someone else's future money.

There is something wrong with promising a future increase with other people's money. Bush is welcome to send all he wants to Asia - if it's his money.

He doesn't let me send his money to Asian missionaries I support.

58. Conservative groups criticizing Bush.



How can this be? George W. Bush is supposed to be a conservative! Well it's good to see a few others are wising up. They must've read the Bush Scorecard and come to grips with the reality that Bush is not a conservative at all.

59. Bush to stiff D.C. with inauguration bill.

He's sending *my* money abroad at his whim, but he's going to stiff D.C. for his inauguration bill? Why does he need extra security? Isn't his Homeland Security program working? Why does he need such a fancy, expensive coronation inauguration - he's already the president? Why not cut expenses on the inauguration and use the leftover funds for the tsunami victims?

Arrogance does not begin to describe it.


Move over 'Babes', Bush hits 60!

60. Inauguration to be porn exhibit by "Bush babes".

Now we know what W was conferring with Slick about - he was getting advice on how to make his daughters look like expensive sluts for the coronation ball. Fortunately these depictions of their inaugural gowns are drawings, so you won't have to expose yourself to actual pornography if you check these links, but if you watch the coronation inauguration, with Jenna and Barbara actually wearing these things, you will get more than an eyeful.

What a shame a 'Christian' president will have his daughters dressing like whores, wearing backless gowns with the fronts low-cut almost to the belly button.

The gowns are reminiscent of the splash made by "J-Lo" a few years ago with her low-cut gown. Perhaps we could call Jenna "J-Ho", and I guess Barbara is "B-Ho".

Ps 101:3 I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes:






If you voted for a godly conservative, you sure didn’t get one with Bush. And unless you are willingly ignorant, you KNEW this is exactly what you voted for, because I’ve been telling you so for better than five years.

If you voted for Bush, you have NO right to complain about these things, because you ASKED for them KNOWING you’d get them. I’d rather LOSE doing RIGHT than WIN(?) doing WRONG. I’d rather be UNSUCCESSFUL in supporting what’s RIGHT than SUCCESSFUL in supporting WRONG.

We’ll be looking at more that 50 ungodly and liberal items just between the election and inauguration (less than three months). There is no way Kerry, as repugnant as he is, could have kept up this pace. The Republicans would’ve OPPOSED him on most of these items. What do we have to look forward to for the next four YEARS?