These are the 25 most appalling of over 100 liberal and ungodly things George W. Bush has done just between the election and the inauguration (which was 78 days).
All of them can be found at Bush Scorecard: http://bushscorecard.blogspot.com/
I will continue to update the Scorecard, but at a much slower rate after the inauguration, only hitting the most egregious violations. I don't have time to keep this up at this pace for four years. I believe I've proven my point 100 times over that Bush is no conservative and no better than Kerry would've been.
As liberal as John Kerry is, he'd have to give up sleeping to keep up with Bush so far. If you voted for Bush - YOU GOT KERRY anyway! - at least Kerry's policies: Pro-abortion, pro-sodomite, pro-Muslim, pro-illegal alien, pro-infringements on our rights, pro-gun control, anti-Christianity.
Bush is wasting no time in betraying the "moral" contingent that he admits put him into office. He USED the faithful Bush-bots to get their votes and now they're not needed any more so he is openly discarding them like trash. But his supporters are undaunted in their admiration. It seems like these Bush-bots actually LIKE getting stabbed in the back. At least a cheap whore gets paid for her services, the Bush-bots got used and they will end up paying as well.
And we thought Bill Clinton was "Slick". He was an amateur compared to Bush.
1. Arlen Specter positioned to block conservative judges.
Bush campaigned for pro-abort, pro-queer Specter, helping him to a 1% win over conservative Republican Pat Toomey. Now Specter promises to block conservative judges, and the evidence shows Bush knew that's what he was getting.
2. Bush push to reward Illegal Aliens for being lawbreakers.
President Bush yesterday moved aggressively to resurrect his plan to relax rules against illegal immigration, a move bound to anger conservatives just days after they helped re-elect him.
3. Bush names Pro-abort Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.
Besides being pro-abortion, Gonzales cast the deciding vote denying parental consent when minor daughters have abortions.Gonzales wrote a controversial February 2002 memo in which Bush claimed the right to waive anti-torture law. He is also an advocate of illegal alien benefits.
4. Bush vows to create a Palestinian state(by taking land from Israel).
Many Christians believe this violates the promise to Abraham in Gen. 12, and it certainly is an unconstitutional act of interference with a sovereign nation (but that's the 'in' thing with Bush, see Iraq.)
5. Bush push to renew Patriot Act intrusions into our rights.
Surveillance, information, wiretaps, banking records, "Sneak & Peek" , no-knock warrants where the owner is not informed. If accused, no speedy trial, no counsel, no appeal, no evidence, and worst of all, no presumption of innocence.The UN version (ICC) lets them determine who they perceive is a threat, and no one (or nation) can appeal.
6. Bush adds three more sodomites to his administration (from six to nine).
One of them was his ‘04 campaign manager. Yes, Bush’s campaign was RUN by a queer.
7. Bush persecutes pro-lifers.
Bush supports the FACE Act which prevents pro-lifers from protesting near abortion chambers. Pro-abortionists however, can protest anywhere they want, even right at the abortuaries.
8. Bush supports queers in military.
Even with AIDS and STDs rising again, Bush supports the current policy of allowing sodomites into the military.
9. Bush fund$ terrorists!
Foreign aid is unconstitutional as it is. Aid to our enemies is stupid and suicidal. But here Bush is giving our tax money to a TERRORIST organization - while we are supposedly fighting a war against terror!
10. Bush administration betrays Gulf War POWs.
12-13-04 p. 8 Our government has betrayed our POWs from previous wars, why should this one be any different? The Bush administration intervened in court on the side of Saddam Hussein and Iraq to erase the POW's judgment from the books.
11. No Christ in Bush Christmas.
Oops! A minor oversight by our Christian President. He remembered Santa, Rudolph, Hanukkah, the Menorah, and even Kwanzaa - but forgot Jesus Christ!
12. No Cross for Bush - but a Moon.
"Brother" Bush is joining arms with those who believe Sun Myung Moon is the real Messiah who came to finish what Jesus failed to accomplish. He must be getting bored with lauding Allah. They threw crosses in a dumpster to prove their point, but the crosses are not the issue, honoring Moon is. This is simply blasphemy on the part of Bush. I'm glad I didn't vote for this wickedness.
13. Queers love Georgie boy.
One of the last places of refuge for Bush-bots is to claim that the sodomite lobby despises him. The 12-21-04 issue of the leading "gay rights" journal, the Advocate, puts the lie to that claim. The queers love and appreciate the man who has furthered their agenda more than anyone to ever sit in the Oval Office.
14. Non-terrorist charged under Patriot Act.
The guy might have committed an infraction, but he is not a terrorist and he is an American citizen and should be dealt with by normal American law, not some ostensively anti-terror act. That was not supposed to be the purpose of anti-terror legislation. What are they going to take first under the guise of preventing terror, my Bible, my guns, my cardboard cutters, or my laser pointers?
15. Inauguration to be porn exhibit by "Bush babes".
Now we know what W was conferring with Slick about - he was getting advice on how to make his daughters look like expensive sluts for the coronation ball. Fortunately these depictions of their inaugural gowns are drawings, so you won't have to expose yourself to actual pornography if you check these links, but if you watch the coronation inauguration, with Jenna and Barbara actually wearing these things, you will get more than an eyeful. What a shame a 'Christian' president will have his daughters dressing like whores, wearing backless gowns with the fronts low-cut almost to the belly button.
The gowns are reminiscent of the splash made by "J-Lo" a few years ago with her low-cut gown. Perhaps we could call Jenna "J-Ho", and I guess Barbara is "B-Lo".
Ps 101:3 I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes:
16. Bush tabs Clinton keeper for Homeland Security.
When Bernard Kerik withdrew as the choice for Homeland Czar over scandals, from another "Nannygate" to sexual impropriety, I was reminded of Janet Reno, who stepped into her office "under the radar" because of a similar situation. I'm convinced that Reno was Clinton's original 'man' for the job, but she would've been harder to get confirmed if other candidates hadn't pulled out. I told people to watch out, the replacement will be the guy Bush really wants, but he would have some baggage that would've hindered him, but now he'll be approved easily.
How's this for "baggage" on Mr. Chertoff?
Bill Clinton fired all the U.S. attorneys … except one: New Jersey U.S. Attorney Michael Chertof ... even Democrats applauded. … “Chertoff has the resume to be an excellent H.S. Sec.,” said Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y.
TG: The most liberal of Democrats love Chertoff. How can that be if he is a genuine conservative?A Harvard grad, Chertoff played a central role in the nation’s response to the 9-11 attacks.
... [and] in the U.S. Patriot Act ...
TG: So he's already taken a central role in assailing the freedoms of Americans without doing anything to thwart terrorists? Well, he fits right in with the Bush administration.
Chertoff played a major role in the investigation of the Clintons’ Arkansas business dealings; the suicide of Vincent Foster, a Clinton aide and former law partner of Hillary Clinton; and other allegations against the Clintons.
TG: The Clintons skated and Foster's death was never solved. Chertoff must be quite adept at sweeping things under the rug. No wonder he had problems with his nanny. He’ll perform admirably as the Homeland Czar. The KGB and Gestapo will be so envious.
17. Bush claims faith is not under attack.
Bush said … he does not think that faith is under attack by culture at large ...
Presidents must get the best mind-altering drugs on the black market! Someone tell this idiot about Judge Roy Moore, General Boykins, Indianapolis Baptist Temple, and the Philly Five (among many other examples)!
18. Pilots not considered "in combat".
Somewhere a comedian is struggling to make ends meet who would be better as President, because our President could sure make it as a comedian. In order to meet the requirement that women are still not officially allowed into combat, Bush has redefined combat to exclude pilots. That is a kick in the manhood of every war pilot in history. Perhaps Bush doesn't believe pilots are actually combatants because he's judging by HIS OWN experience as a military pilot.
19. Bush's faith-based initiative exposed.
An Arizona church was disqualified for faith-based funds because they were "injecting religion" into the program, including encouraging people to witness their faith, read the scriptures, and attend church services. Excuse me, but isn't that what a church is SUPPOSED to do? Federal funding always comes with federal control, and this program is simply an attempt to secularize and neuter churches, bring them under control of the government, and keep them from serving God.
A Christian with the spiritual discernment of Mr. Potato Head could see the devil in that with his eyes closed.
20. Bush best buddy admits W not conservative.
Newsmax.com Insider Report: After 75 examples in 75 days now his own best friend confirms it with point #75. Bush is NOT a conservative, even on the homosexual agenda. Who would ever think Bush wouldn't be as conservative as his image? Why I'm so surprised you could knock me over with a feather!
· Asked about President Bush's views on gay marriage, Betts declined to comment. He did add, "I don't think he's as conservative a person as the media generally characterizes him as."
21. Sissy Bush drops queer-marriage amendment.
This one should count at least double. The last refuge for Bush-bots was to parrot, "At least he wants to ban same-sex marriages!" NOT ANYMORE! He got your vote, now he doesn't even have to pretend to be conservative. He can stab you in the back and hit you below the belt.
John Kerry never pulled a flip-flop of this magnitude.
To be honest, a Federal amendment was dangerous anyway, as it would give the fedgov authority over marriage, but it was Bush's effort to appear pro-family, now he doesn't even have that appearance.
22. Bush supports over-the-counter abortions.
Can any sane Christian conservative still support this wicked man? Now he's advocating making the "morning after" abortifacient pill as available as aspirin. More babies will be killed by this convenient pill than by all other methods combined, but some of you will still insist Bush is pro-life. Items #21 and #22 should convince the most loyal, worshipful Bush-bot, that their hero is a FRAUD (like I told them years ago) and unworthy of the support of any Christian. But many will remain true to their beloved Sun Myung Bush, no matter what the facts are.
23. Gonzales joins W in aim to ban semi-autos.
Now the president and his attorney general both support banning semi-automatic weapons, despite the fact that such arms are a Constitutional right. Do you think four more years of Bush will give us more or less gun rights? More or less homosexual agenda? More or less illegal aliens? More or less abortion? Okay, so exactly what is conservative about Bush?
24. Log Cabin queers share key agenda with GWB.
Once again, even though they sometimes have to pretend to be opposed to the alleged conservatism of George Bush, the Republican sodomites know an ally when they see one. The sodomites know Bush is not conservative in this agenda (#31), his best friend knows he's not conservative on homosexual agenda (#75) - only willfully ignorant Christians refuse to acknowledge the truth.
25. Inauguration security by terrorists?
I couldn't make stuff up that would be as far out as things really are. The justification for the extravagant expenditures for the upcoming coronation was the threat of terror (which should be under control with all the anti-terror laws that have been passed). Now it turns out that part of the security will involve two terrorist organizations - including the group that ordered an assassination of Bush when he visited Columbia!
All of them can be found at Bush Scorecard: http://bushscorecard.blogspot.com/
I will continue to update the Scorecard, but at a much slower rate after the inauguration, only hitting the most egregious violations. I don't have time to keep this up at this pace for four years. I believe I've proven my point 100 times over that Bush is no conservative and no better than Kerry would've been.
As liberal as John Kerry is, he'd have to give up sleeping to keep up with Bush so far. If you voted for Bush - YOU GOT KERRY anyway! - at least Kerry's policies: Pro-abortion, pro-sodomite, pro-Muslim, pro-illegal alien, pro-infringements on our rights, pro-gun control, anti-Christianity.
Bush is wasting no time in betraying the "moral" contingent that he admits put him into office. He USED the faithful Bush-bots to get their votes and now they're not needed any more so he is openly discarding them like trash. But his supporters are undaunted in their admiration. It seems like these Bush-bots actually LIKE getting stabbed in the back. At least a cheap whore gets paid for her services, the Bush-bots got used and they will end up paying as well.
And we thought Bill Clinton was "Slick". He was an amateur compared to Bush.
1. Arlen Specter positioned to block conservative judges.
Bush campaigned for pro-abort, pro-queer Specter, helping him to a 1% win over conservative Republican Pat Toomey. Now Specter promises to block conservative judges, and the evidence shows Bush knew that's what he was getting.
2. Bush push to reward Illegal Aliens for being lawbreakers.
President Bush yesterday moved aggressively to resurrect his plan to relax rules against illegal immigration, a move bound to anger conservatives just days after they helped re-elect him.
3. Bush names Pro-abort Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.
Besides being pro-abortion, Gonzales cast the deciding vote denying parental consent when minor daughters have abortions.Gonzales wrote a controversial February 2002 memo in which Bush claimed the right to waive anti-torture law. He is also an advocate of illegal alien benefits.
4. Bush vows to create a Palestinian state(by taking land from Israel).
Many Christians believe this violates the promise to Abraham in Gen. 12, and it certainly is an unconstitutional act of interference with a sovereign nation (but that's the 'in' thing with Bush, see Iraq.)
5. Bush push to renew Patriot Act intrusions into our rights.
Surveillance, information, wiretaps, banking records, "Sneak & Peek" , no-knock warrants where the owner is not informed. If accused, no speedy trial, no counsel, no appeal, no evidence, and worst of all, no presumption of innocence.The UN version (ICC) lets them determine who they perceive is a threat, and no one (or nation) can appeal.
6. Bush adds three more sodomites to his administration (from six to nine).
One of them was his ‘04 campaign manager. Yes, Bush’s campaign was RUN by a queer.
7. Bush persecutes pro-lifers.
Bush supports the FACE Act which prevents pro-lifers from protesting near abortion chambers. Pro-abortionists however, can protest anywhere they want, even right at the abortuaries.
8. Bush supports queers in military.
Even with AIDS and STDs rising again, Bush supports the current policy of allowing sodomites into the military.
9. Bush fund$ terrorists!
Foreign aid is unconstitutional as it is. Aid to our enemies is stupid and suicidal. But here Bush is giving our tax money to a TERRORIST organization - while we are supposedly fighting a war against terror!
10. Bush administration betrays Gulf War POWs.
12-13-04 p. 8 Our government has betrayed our POWs from previous wars, why should this one be any different? The Bush administration intervened in court on the side of Saddam Hussein and Iraq to erase the POW's judgment from the books.
11. No Christ in Bush Christmas.
Oops! A minor oversight by our Christian President. He remembered Santa, Rudolph, Hanukkah, the Menorah, and even Kwanzaa - but forgot Jesus Christ!
12. No Cross for Bush - but a Moon.
"Brother" Bush is joining arms with those who believe Sun Myung Moon is the real Messiah who came to finish what Jesus failed to accomplish. He must be getting bored with lauding Allah. They threw crosses in a dumpster to prove their point, but the crosses are not the issue, honoring Moon is. This is simply blasphemy on the part of Bush. I'm glad I didn't vote for this wickedness.
13. Queers love Georgie boy.
One of the last places of refuge for Bush-bots is to claim that the sodomite lobby despises him. The 12-21-04 issue of the leading "gay rights" journal, the Advocate, puts the lie to that claim. The queers love and appreciate the man who has furthered their agenda more than anyone to ever sit in the Oval Office.
14. Non-terrorist charged under Patriot Act.
The guy might have committed an infraction, but he is not a terrorist and he is an American citizen and should be dealt with by normal American law, not some ostensively anti-terror act. That was not supposed to be the purpose of anti-terror legislation. What are they going to take first under the guise of preventing terror, my Bible, my guns, my cardboard cutters, or my laser pointers?
15. Inauguration to be porn exhibit by "Bush babes".
Now we know what W was conferring with Slick about - he was getting advice on how to make his daughters look like expensive sluts for the coronation ball. Fortunately these depictions of their inaugural gowns are drawings, so you won't have to expose yourself to actual pornography if you check these links, but if you watch the coronation inauguration, with Jenna and Barbara actually wearing these things, you will get more than an eyeful. What a shame a 'Christian' president will have his daughters dressing like whores, wearing backless gowns with the fronts low-cut almost to the belly button.
The gowns are reminiscent of the splash made by "J-Lo" a few years ago with her low-cut gown. Perhaps we could call Jenna "J-Ho", and I guess Barbara is "B-Lo".
Ps 101:3 I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes:
16. Bush tabs Clinton keeper for Homeland Security.
When Bernard Kerik withdrew as the choice for Homeland Czar over scandals, from another "Nannygate" to sexual impropriety, I was reminded of Janet Reno, who stepped into her office "under the radar" because of a similar situation. I'm convinced that Reno was Clinton's original 'man' for the job, but she would've been harder to get confirmed if other candidates hadn't pulled out. I told people to watch out, the replacement will be the guy Bush really wants, but he would have some baggage that would've hindered him, but now he'll be approved easily.
How's this for "baggage" on Mr. Chertoff?
Bill Clinton fired all the U.S. attorneys … except one: New Jersey U.S. Attorney Michael Chertof ... even Democrats applauded. … “Chertoff has the resume to be an excellent H.S. Sec.,” said Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y.
TG: The most liberal of Democrats love Chertoff. How can that be if he is a genuine conservative?A Harvard grad, Chertoff played a central role in the nation’s response to the 9-11 attacks.
... [and] in the U.S. Patriot Act ...
TG: So he's already taken a central role in assailing the freedoms of Americans without doing anything to thwart terrorists? Well, he fits right in with the Bush administration.
Chertoff played a major role in the investigation of the Clintons’ Arkansas business dealings; the suicide of Vincent Foster, a Clinton aide and former law partner of Hillary Clinton; and other allegations against the Clintons.
TG: The Clintons skated and Foster's death was never solved. Chertoff must be quite adept at sweeping things under the rug. No wonder he had problems with his nanny. He’ll perform admirably as the Homeland Czar. The KGB and Gestapo will be so envious.
17. Bush claims faith is not under attack.
Bush said … he does not think that faith is under attack by culture at large ...
Presidents must get the best mind-altering drugs on the black market! Someone tell this idiot about Judge Roy Moore, General Boykins, Indianapolis Baptist Temple, and the Philly Five (among many other examples)!
18. Pilots not considered "in combat".
Somewhere a comedian is struggling to make ends meet who would be better as President, because our President could sure make it as a comedian. In order to meet the requirement that women are still not officially allowed into combat, Bush has redefined combat to exclude pilots. That is a kick in the manhood of every war pilot in history. Perhaps Bush doesn't believe pilots are actually combatants because he's judging by HIS OWN experience as a military pilot.
19. Bush's faith-based initiative exposed.
An Arizona church was disqualified for faith-based funds because they were "injecting religion" into the program, including encouraging people to witness their faith, read the scriptures, and attend church services. Excuse me, but isn't that what a church is SUPPOSED to do? Federal funding always comes with federal control, and this program is simply an attempt to secularize and neuter churches, bring them under control of the government, and keep them from serving God.
A Christian with the spiritual discernment of Mr. Potato Head could see the devil in that with his eyes closed.
20. Bush best buddy admits W not conservative.
Newsmax.com Insider Report: After 75 examples in 75 days now his own best friend confirms it with point #75. Bush is NOT a conservative, even on the homosexual agenda. Who would ever think Bush wouldn't be as conservative as his image? Why I'm so surprised you could knock me over with a feather!
· Asked about President Bush's views on gay marriage, Betts declined to comment. He did add, "I don't think he's as conservative a person as the media generally characterizes him as."
21. Sissy Bush drops queer-marriage amendment.
This one should count at least double. The last refuge for Bush-bots was to parrot, "At least he wants to ban same-sex marriages!" NOT ANYMORE! He got your vote, now he doesn't even have to pretend to be conservative. He can stab you in the back and hit you below the belt.
John Kerry never pulled a flip-flop of this magnitude.
To be honest, a Federal amendment was dangerous anyway, as it would give the fedgov authority over marriage, but it was Bush's effort to appear pro-family, now he doesn't even have that appearance.
22. Bush supports over-the-counter abortions.
Can any sane Christian conservative still support this wicked man? Now he's advocating making the "morning after" abortifacient pill as available as aspirin. More babies will be killed by this convenient pill than by all other methods combined, but some of you will still insist Bush is pro-life. Items #21 and #22 should convince the most loyal, worshipful Bush-bot, that their hero is a FRAUD (like I told them years ago) and unworthy of the support of any Christian. But many will remain true to their beloved Sun Myung Bush, no matter what the facts are.
23. Gonzales joins W in aim to ban semi-autos.
Now the president and his attorney general both support banning semi-automatic weapons, despite the fact that such arms are a Constitutional right. Do you think four more years of Bush will give us more or less gun rights? More or less homosexual agenda? More or less illegal aliens? More or less abortion? Okay, so exactly what is conservative about Bush?
24. Log Cabin queers share key agenda with GWB.
Once again, even though they sometimes have to pretend to be opposed to the alleged conservatism of George Bush, the Republican sodomites know an ally when they see one. The sodomites know Bush is not conservative in this agenda (#31), his best friend knows he's not conservative on homosexual agenda (#75) - only willfully ignorant Christians refuse to acknowledge the truth.
25. Inauguration security by terrorists?
I couldn't make stuff up that would be as far out as things really are. The justification for the extravagant expenditures for the upcoming coronation was the threat of terror (which should be under control with all the anti-terror laws that have been passed). Now it turns out that part of the security will involve two terrorist organizations - including the group that ordered an assassination of Bush when he visited Columbia!
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