Friday, December 17, 2004

# 25 Socialist Insecurity "Moral Achievement

This comes from a friend of mine who is a professional journalist. When I can get media documentation, I'll update this point. If anyone can find the transcript, I would appreciate it.


On last Saturday's weekly radio address (12-11-04), George W. Bush called Socialist Insecurity "the government's greatest moral achievement."

A Ponzi scheme funded by forced extractions (I'm self-employed and pay 15 percent of my measly income every quarter!) is a great moral achievement?

Later in his speech, Bush admitted that the Socialist Insecurity "trust fund" is fictional and told how SS receipts are paid out immediately to others who got into the pyramid earlier. How can anyone be so contradictory in a short speech and keep a straight face?


A plan that swipes a large sum of money out of your paycheck for 30 or 40 years, invests it to make a five or ten fold return, and then pays you a few hundred bucks a month for a few years after you retire is a great moral achievement? Based on whose morality?