Tuesday, January 11, 2005

# 61 Bush tabs Clinton keeper for Homeland Security.

When Bernard Kerik withdrew as the choice for Homeland Security Czar over a host of scandals, from another instance of "Nannygate" to sexual impropriety, I immediately was reminded of Janet Reno, who stepped into her office "under the radar" because of a similar situation.

I'm convinced that Reno was Clinton's 'man' for the job in the first place, but she would've been harder to get confirmed if other candidates hadn't pulled out.

As soon as Kerik pulled out, I told people to watch out, the replacement will be the guy Bush really wants, but he would have some baggage that would've hindered him if he was the first nominee.

Now they are desperate to fill the slot and he'll be approved easily.

How's this for "baggage" on Mr. Chertoff?


When Bill Clinton first took office as president, he fired all the U.S. attorneys who had served under his Republican predecessor except one: New Jersey U.S. Attorney Michael Chertoff.


Chertoff, whose appeal court nomination sailed through Congress, won immediate support on Capitol Hill, where even Democrats applauded the choice.

“Judge Mike Chertoff has the resume to be an excellent Homeland Security Secretary, given his law enforcement background and understanding of New York’s and America’s neglected homeland security needs,” said Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y.

TG: The most liberal of Democrats love Chertoff. How can that be if he is a genuine conservative? Can any honest conservative not see a problem here? Or can Sun Myung Bush do no wrong because he's a Republican?

A Harvard law graduate, Chertoff previously headed the Justice Department’s criminal division, where he played a central role in the nation’s legal response to the Sept. 11 attacks. ... He also played a significant role in development of the U.S. Patriot Act to combat terrorist attacks ...

TG: So he's already taken a central role in assailing the freedoms of Americans without doing anything to thwart terrorists? Well, he fits right in with the Bush administration.

As chief Republican counsel to the Senate Whitewater Committee during the administration of President Bill Clinton, Chertoff played a major role in the investigation of the Clintons’ Arkansas business dealings; the suicide of Vincent Foster, a Clinton aide and former law partner of Hillary Clinton; and other allegations against the Clintons.

TG: Which the Clintons skated away from and Foster's death was never solved. Chertoff must be quite adept at sweeping things under the rug. No wonder he had problems with his nanny. He will perform admirably as the Homeland Security Czar.

The KGB and Gestapo will be so envious.