Thursday, January 20, 2005

# 84 Condi admits bad decisions, called liar, confirmed anyway.

Sen. Boxer backs Rice into the ropes, questioning her honesty in covering for Bush mistakes. Rice admits to bad decisions made on the war with Iraq.

Yet the Senate panel recommends her to be confirmed by a 16-2 vote.

Secretary of State-designate Condoleezza Rice acknowledged "there were some bad decisions" by the Bush administration on Iraq

Sen. Barbara Boxer accused Rice of "an unwillingness to give Americans the full story because selling the war was so important to Dr. Rice."

Boxer said, the toll of American dead and wounded is the "direct result" of Bush administration "rigidness" and misstatements.

Boxer came close to accusing Rice of having lied in her public statements about the run-up to war in Iraq.

"Your loyalty to your mission you were given overwhelmed your respect for the truth, and I don't say it lightly," Boxer said.