Tuesday, December 21, 2004

# 29 No Christ in Bush Christmas

Opps! A minor oversight by our Christian President. He remembered Santa, Rudolph, Hanukkah, the Menorah, and even Kwanzaa - but forgot Jesus Christ!



December 21, 2004

Bush White House's Christ-less Christmas

Official commemorations emphasize Santa, Rudolph over Jesus in 2004


WASHINGTON -- What's missing from the White House commemoration of Christmas this year?Jesus. The little baby in the manger. The reason for the season.

While President Bush was re-elected last month in an election victory many attributed to an outpouring of support by evangelical Christians impressed with his candid outspokenness about his faith, some Americans notice the White House website lacks even a single mention of Jesus, whose birth is celebrated by hundreds of millions worldwide Dec. 25.

The official White House site proclaims this as the "Season of Merriment and Melody" – not the birth of the Savior of the world. On Dec. 9, Bush participated in a special menorah lighting ceremony at the White House. Likewise, Bush issued a Hanukkah proclamation Dec. 7. In 2001, Bush issued a Kwanzaa greeting from the White House, and repeated it in 2002 and 2003.