Thursday, December 30, 2004

# 36 Bush Forgot Jesus but remembered Kwanzaa

GWB makes no mention of Jesus Christ in his Christmas address, which would surely offend many Christians. However he would never offend a Muslim or a radical black, so he'll remember Kwanzaa and Ramadan.

BTW, what is an "African American"? Is there a country called Africa that we have some kind of dual citizenship agreement with?

Bush sends greetings to African Americans who observe Kwanzaa :

Washington, Dec 24 :

United States President George W Bush has greeted African Americans on the occasion of Kwanzaa, a festival celebrating the seven principles of African culture.

"Kwanzaa celebrations provide an opportunity to focus on the importance of family, community, and history, and to reflect on the "Nguzo Saba" or seven principles of African culture," Bush said in his message.

"These principles emphasise unity, self-determination, collective work and responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity, and faith.

Kwanzaa strengthens the ties that bind communities across America and around the world and reflects the great promise and diversity of America," the President said. PTI