Tuesday, December 21, 2004

# 31 Queers love Georgie Boy

Information from 12-27-04 New American, "George W. Bush: Champion of 'Gay Rights'", p.6.

One of the last places of refuge for Bush-bots is to claim that the sodomite lobby despises him.

The 12-21-04 issue of the leading "gay rights" journal, the Advocate, puts the lie to that claim.

The queers love and appreciate the man who has furthered their agenda more than anyone to ever sit in the Oval Office.

Bush administration lackey Abner Mason wrote a guest column for the Advocate. He is executive director of the AIDS Responsibility Project and Chairman of the International Subcommittee for the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS.

Among the kisses he blew to Georgie boy:
"By supporting civil unions for gay couples - which, practically speaking, is the cutting-edge issue in the battle for equality - President Bush has become a leading advocate for gay rights."

President Bush's support "has made it a lot easier for others to recognize civil unions, especially political leaders in [conservative] red states."

"Only eight days before the election, Bush publicly embraced the [Howard] dean position, which was also Kerry's position. The previously controversial - and in Dean's case heroic - position of supporting civil unions was now that of a conservative president."