Bush Scorecard # 26 - 40
The first 25 are on this page (click here).
26. Bush forgives all Hussein-era Iraq debt.
So much for their oil paying for the war, reimbursing American taxpayers, or providing for the families of POWs. Instead Bush had put yet more of a burden on U.S. taxpayer's backs.
27. Bush shows lack of loyalty.
(NewsMax Insider)
As we saw in #23, GWB is demanding 100% allegiance to himself and his agenda. Too bad he doesn't show some loyalty himself by backstabbing John Danforth for the second time.
28. Peace, peace, no peace.
Out of one side of his mouth, GWB assures us we'll have peace in the Middle East by the end of his term, but out of the other side of his mouth he causes discord with Israeli leader Ariel Sharon. Either Bush has been munching on those "magic" mushrooms, or he thinks he's the antichrist.
29. No Christ in Bush Christmas.
Opps! A minor oversight by our Christian President. He remembered Santa, Rudolph, Hanukkah, the Menorah, and even Kwanzaa - but forgot Jesus Christ!
30. No Cross for Bush - but a Moon.
"Brother" Bush is joining arms with those who believe Sun Myung Moon is the real Messiah who came to finish what Jesus failed to accomplish. He must be getting bored with lauding Allah. This is simply blasphemy on the part of Bush. I'm glad I didn't vote for this wickedness.
31. Queers love Georgie boy
Information from 12-27-04 New American, "George W. Bush: Champion of 'Gay Rights'", p.6.
One of the last places of refuge for Bush-bots is to claim that the sodomite lobby despises him. The 12-21-04 issue of the leading "gay rights" journal, the Advocate, puts the lie to that claim. The queers love and appreciate the man who has furthered their agenda more than anyone to ever sit in the Oval Office.
32. Coats for Criminals (Illegal Aliens).
It must get down to 80 this time of year on the Mexican border, so we need to spend our tax dollars on coats for the poor, "good-hearted" lawbreakers who have to climb mountains to break our laws. Let's not make it too difficult for the terrorists to get in the country.
33. Dubya reaches leftward.
Now that he has your vote and doesn't need you for reelection, GWB can go farther left than ever before. He didn't meet with the racist, liberal NAACP last term, but this time he did right away. We can expect lots more slides to the left by Bush.
34. Bush signs unconstitutional budget, with abortion regulation.
In a typical example of submitting to "the lesser of evils", President Bush signed the unconstitutional omnibus Federal health budget. It contains many unconstitutional expenditures, and options for abortion services. Of course it could have been even MORE unconstitutional and even more permissive on abortion, so that somehow makes this bill acceptable to compromisers.
35. Bush urged to help terrorized believers in Iraq.
This means our "Christian" President hasn't been helping the *terrorized* Christians in Iraq? Why, he's a Christian! Why, there's a war on terror going on over there. How can this be?
36. Bush Forgot Jesus but remembered Kwanzaa.
GWB makes no mention of Jesus Christ in his Christmas address, which would surely offend many Christians. However he would never offend a Muslim or a radical black, so he'll remember Kwanzaa and Ramadan. BTW, what is an "African American"? Is there a country called Africa that we have some kind of dual citizenship agreement with?
37. Bush Nominates Backstabber to U.S. Court.
Not too long ago Bush named Bill Pryor to finish a term, now he's making him the permanent candidate. Pryor is the judge in Alabama who ran Judge Roy Moore out of office over the Ten Commandment monument. Pryor has also supported such liberal things as abortion and gambling in previous rulings.
Wasn't one of the main things the Bush-bots cried about was the importance of judicial nominees?
38. Bush Foresees a Deeper U.S. Role in Iraq
Deeper role? I thought we were ready to win and get out? Now he wants an even deeper role? During the debates he assured us the training was going splendidly. Did he LIE to us?
39. Bush uses American generosity to steal from them.
Americans are indeed very generous. But that does not give Bush the right to steal our money and send it to the causes *he* determines are needy.
Foreign aid is unconstitutional, even for 'good' causes.
If Americans are so generous (and we are), then no such stealing is needed.
Americans would rush to the aid of the Asian tsunami victims if GWB would get his hands out of their pockets.
40. Dept. of Homeland Security Pushes More Secrecy.
What more needs to be said about the American Gestapo/Checka/KGB?
If you voted for a godly conservative, you sure didn’t get one with Bush. And unless you are willingly ignorant, you KNEW this is exactly what you voted for, because I’ve been telling you so for better than five years. If you voted for Bush, you have NO right to complain about these things, because you ASKED for them KNOWING you’d get them.