Friday, December 31, 2004

Bush Scorecard # 26 - 40

Remember, this is only the liberal and ungodly stuff Bush has done SINCE the election, which was less than two months ago! As liberal as John Kerry is, he'd have to go without sleep to keep up with Bush so far. I'm having a hard time just recording them. No doubt I've missed a few.

The first 25 are on this page (click here).

26. Bush forgives all Hussein-era Iraq debt.

So much for their oil paying for the war, reimbursing American taxpayers, or providing for the families of POWs. Instead Bush had put yet more of a burden on U.S. taxpayer's backs.;s=rollingnews.htm

27. Bush shows lack of loyalty.

(NewsMax Insider)

As we saw in #23, GWB is demanding 100% allegiance to himself and his agenda. Too bad he doesn't show some loyalty himself by backstabbing John Danforth for the second time.

28. Peace, peace, no peace.

Out of one side of his mouth, GWB assures us we'll have peace in the Middle East by the end of his term, but out of the other side of his mouth he causes discord with Israeli leader Ariel Sharon. Either Bush has been munching on those "magic" mushrooms, or he thinks he's the antichrist.

29. No Christ in Bush Christmas.

Opps! A minor oversight by our Christian President. He remembered Santa, Rudolph, Hanukkah, the Menorah, and even Kwanzaa - but forgot Jesus Christ!

30. No Cross for Bush - but a Moon.

"Brother" Bush is joining arms with those who believe Sun Myung Moon is the real Messiah who came to finish what Jesus failed to accomplish. He must be getting bored with lauding Allah. This is simply blasphemy on the part of Bush. I'm glad I didn't vote for this wickedness.

31. Queers love Georgie boy

Information from 12-27-04 New American, "George W. Bush: Champion of 'Gay Rights'", p.6.

One of the last places of refuge for Bush-bots is to claim that the sodomite lobby despises him. The 12-21-04 issue of the leading "gay rights" journal, the Advocate, puts the lie to that claim. The queers love and appreciate the man who has furthered their agenda more than anyone to ever sit in the Oval Office.

32. Coats for Criminals (Illegal Aliens).

It must get down to 80 this time of year on the Mexican border, so we need to spend our tax dollars on coats for the poor, "good-hearted" lawbreakers who have to climb mountains to break our laws. Let's not make it too difficult for the terrorists to get in the country.

33. Dubya reaches leftward.\Politics\archive\200412\POL20041222a.html

Now that he has your vote and doesn't need you for reelection, GWB can go farther left than ever before. He didn't meet with the racist, liberal NAACP last term, but this time he did right away. We can expect lots more slides to the left by Bush.

34. Bush signs unconstitutional budget, with abortion regulation.

In a typical example of submitting to "the lesser of evils", President Bush signed the unconstitutional omnibus Federal health budget. It contains many unconstitutional expenditures, and options for abortion services. Of course it could have been even MORE unconstitutional and even more permissive on abortion, so that somehow makes this bill acceptable to compromisers.

35. Bush urged to help terrorized believers in Iraq.

This means our "Christian" President hasn't been helping the *terrorized* Christians in Iraq? Why, he's a Christian! Why, there's a war on terror going on over there. How can this be?

36. Bush Forgot Jesus but remembered Kwanzaa.

GWB makes no mention of Jesus Christ in his Christmas address, which would surely offend many Christians. However he would never offend a Muslim or a radical black, so he'll remember Kwanzaa and Ramadan. BTW, what is an "African American"? Is there a country called Africa that we have some kind of dual citizenship agreement with?

37. Bush Nominates Backstabber to U.S. Court.

Not too long ago Bush named Bill Pryor to finish a term, now he's making him the permanent candidate. Pryor is the judge in Alabama who ran Judge Roy Moore out of office over the Ten Commandment monument. Pryor has also supported such liberal things as abortion and gambling in previous rulings.

Wasn't one of the main things the Bush-bots cried about was the importance of judicial nominees?

38. Bush Foresees a Deeper U.S. Role in Iraq

Deeper role? I thought we were ready to win and get out? Now he wants an even deeper role? During the debates he assured us the training was going splendidly. Did he LIE to us?

39. Bush uses American generosity to steal from them.

Americans are indeed very generous. But that does not give Bush the right to steal our money and send it to the causes *he* determines are needy.

Foreign aid is unconstitutional, even for 'good' causes.

If Americans are so generous (and we are), then no such stealing is needed.

Americans would rush to the aid of the Asian tsunami victims if GWB would get his hands out of their pockets.

40. Dept. of Homeland Security Pushes More Secrecy.

What more needs to be said about the American Gestapo/Checka/KGB?


If you voted for a godly conservative, you sure didn’t get one with Bush. And unless you are willingly ignorant, you KNEW this is exactly what you voted for, because I’ve been telling you so for better than five years. If you voted for Bush, you have NO right to complain about these things, because you ASKED for them KNOWING you’d get them.

# 40 Dept. of Homeland Security Pushes More Secrecy

What more needs to be said about the American Gestapo/Checka/KGB?

NEW YORK - The Bush administration appears set to maintain the secrecy that has characterized its workings since 2001. The latest evidence is a directive from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) instructing its employees and contractors to share sensitive but unclassified information only with those having a need to know it.

All 180,000 department employees and contractors are now required to sign a non-disclosure agreement. But they will be held responsible for keeping secrets, even if they did not sign the pledge or were unaware of it. Further, employees and contractors can be searched at any place or any time to ensure they are abiding by the policy, and can also face administrative, civil, or criminal penalties if they violate the rules.

According to Steven Aftergood, a government secrecy expert at the Federation of American Scientists (FAS), whose Web site provides the details of the agreement [.pdf], the message to employees is: "We don't want you talking to anybody outside of government."

"A huge door is closing within our government," added Aftergood in an interview, speculating that the DHS practice will be adopted by other government bodies.

"There are other agencies – the Internal Revenue Service [IRS] is one – that occasionally use non-disclosure agreements to regulate access to unclassified information. But the DHS non-disclosure agreement is more comprehensive than any of those," he added. "It is required not just in the odd occasional circumstance, but rather, must be signed by all new employees. And it extends not just to particular categories of controlled information, but to anything that is marked 'for official use only.'"

So far, Aftergood added, "The DHS version of the non-disclosure policy has not been replicated by other agencies. But if it remains in place at DHS, it would be reasonable to expect other agencies to follow suit."

Media reports say DHS officials have also asked congressional workers to sign non-disclosure guarantees, but employees from both parties have refused.

"This is unclassified material, and we have a right to it without signing over our lives," said Ken Johnson, spokesman for Representative Christopher Cox, chairman of the House Select Homeland Security Committee, according to the media reports. "We are the overseers, not the overseen."

Advocacy groups have also expressed concern that the new rules will eventually affect the protection of whistleblowers, individuals who report government or corporate malfeasance.

Since the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, 50 percent more government workers annually are seeking protection against retaliation for blowing the whistle on "allegations of substantial and specific dangers to public health and safety and national security concerns."

Whistleblowers are protected by law from punishment or retaliation by those they identify.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), part of the Department of Justice (DOJ), has been a focal point for some of the highest profile whistleblowers, such as Coleen Rowley, the FBI agent whose warnings about suspicious, terrorist-related activities that were ignored by the bureau's top management prior to the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on New York and the Pentagon.

The report of the 9/11 Commission that examined those attacks noted that a Cold War mentality has restricted the free flow of information and hampered the government's ability to address terrorist threats.

On its Web site, the Project On Government Oversight (POGO), another of many "open government" advocacy groups, charges that White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales – nominated by President George W. Bush to be attorney general – "played a leading role in attempting to chill whistleblowers who contact Congress with information about corporate fraud and abuse."

"Within hours of signing the landmark Sarbanes-Oxley legislation to fight corporate fraud, President Bush attempted to severely narrow which whistleblowers would be covered by the Act.

Gonzales defended the narrowed interpretation when Senators Charles Grassley and Patrick Leahy protested the attempt to undermine whistleblower protections they had authored."

"Ultimately, the White House backed down on its narrowed interpretation of the Act," concludes POGO [.pdf].

DHS' new regulations dovetail with the environment of secrecy created by the Bush administration. During its first term, the numbers of documents designated as "classified" grew exponentially, followed by corresponding growth in requests under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), which is designed to provide citizens with greater access to government documents.

Numerous recent instances of administration secrecy have emerged. According to The New York Times, one concerns "a previously unknown, enormously expensive technical intelligence program," which has drawn scathing criticism from members of the Senate Intelligence Committee.

The newspaper reported Nov. 9, "For two years ... Republicans and Democrats on the panel have voted to block the secret program, which is believed to be a system of new spy satellites."

"But it continues to be financed at a cost that former congressional officials put at hundreds of millions of dollars a year with support from the House [of Representatives], the Bush administration, and congressional appropriations committees," it added.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), a major advocacy group, has also been critical of Bush administration secrecy. "For months now, the Bush White House has refused to release dozens of documents related to the administration's policies on the detention, interrogation, and torture of foreign prisoners," it said recently, not long before a federal judge ordered the FBI to release documents related to the prisoners to the group. The ACLU also identified Gonzales as one of the key architects of the policies on the treatment of prisoners, saying, "The nation's top law enforcement officer should finally allow the Senate to insist on receiving these crucial documents."

"The American people deserve to know the truth about these policies. Unless senators receive these documents, they cannot know the true story of how Gonzales' actions relate to some of the worst violations of human rights committed by our country against foreign prisoners," added the ACLU.

"The government keeps too many secrets," the Washington Post declared in a Dec. 3 editorial. "It classifies information that would do no harm if published; this impedes information sharing within the government and erodes public confidence." The newspaper charged that the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), responsible for screening aircraft as well as other forms of transport and part of the DHS, "is keeping secret rules, known as 'security directives,' that guide who can get on an airplane."

"The department needs to remember that the homeland whose security it is protecting is one in which democratic debate is supposed to be open and freewheeling," added the Post.

Thursday, December 30, 2004

# 39 Bush uses American generosity to steal from them.

Americans are indeed very generous. But that does not give Bush the right to steal our money and send it to the causes *he* determines are needy. Foreign aid is unconstitutional, even for 'good' causes. If Americans are so generous (and we are), then no such stealing is needed. Americans would rush to the aid of the tsunami victims if GWB would get his hands out of their pockets.

Bush Criticizes U.N. 'Stingy' Comment

Dec 29, 12:13 PM (ET)


WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush defended American generosity Wednesday, even as his administration figures out how to pay for more help beyond the $35 million it has already promised to tsunami victims in Asia.

In his first remarks since the weekend disaster that so far has killed more than 76,000, Bush - like some in his administration previously - took umbrage at a U.N. official's suggestion that the world's richest nations were "stingy," and indicated much more is expected to be spent to help the victims.

"Well, I felt like the person who made that statement was very misguided and ill-informed," Bush said from his Texas ranch. "We're a very generous, kindhearted nation, and, you know, what you're beginning to see is a typical response from America."

Bush noted that the United States provided $2.4 billion "in food, in cash, in humanitarian relief to cover the disasters for last year. ... That's 40 percent of all the relief aid given in the world last year."

But the journey from the $35 million to potentially $1 billion or more in help for the tens of thousands of latest victims is fraught with bureaucratic twists. First, the U.S. Agency for International Development, which distributes foreign aid, will have to ask for more money, since the initial $35 million aid package drained its emergency relief fund, said Andrew Natsios, the agency's administrator. "We just spent it," Natsios said in an interview Tuesday with The Associated Press. "We'll be talking to the (White House) budget office ... (about) what to do at this point."

Natsios said the Pentagon also is spending tens of millions to mobilize an additional relief operation, with C-130 transport planes winging their way from Dubai to Indonesia with tents, blankets, food and water bags. As of Wednesday, dozens of countries and relief groups had pledged at least $261 million in help for South and East Asia, said the Geneva-based U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

"There's no doubt there'll be more than that," said Jamie McGoldrick, the U.N. officer in charge of coordinating the international response from Switzerland. "The size of this thing is a challenge."

But measuring the generosity of the United States depends on the yardstick. The U.S. government is always near the top in total humanitarian aid dollars - even before private donations are counted - but it finishes near the bottom of the list of rich countries when that money is compared to gross national product. Such figures were what prompted Jan Egeland - the United Nations' emergency relief coordinator and former head of the Norwegian Red Cross - to challenge the giving of rich nations. "We were more generous when we were less rich, many of the rich countries," Egeland said. "And it is beyond me, why are we so stingy, really. ... Even Christmas time should remind many Western countries at least how rich we have become."

Egeland told reporters Tuesday his complaint wasn't directed at any nation in particular.

Secretary of State Colin Powell clearly was annoyed while making the rounds of the morning television news shows Tuesday. He said it remains to be determined what the eventual U.S. contribution will be, but that he agrees with estimates that the total international aid effort "will run into the billions of dollars."

Natsios was quick to point out Tuesday that foreign assistance for development and emergency relief rose from $10 billion in President Clinton's last year to $24 billion under President Bush in 2003. Powell said U.S. assistance for this week's earthquake and tsunamis alone will eventually exceed $1 billion.

"The notion that the United States is not generous is simply not true, factually," Natsios said.

The United States uses the most common measure of the Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, a group of 30 rich nations that counts development aid. By that measure, the United States spent almost $15.8 billion for "official development assistance" to developing countries in 2003.
Next closest was Japan, at $8.9 billion. That doesn't include billions more the United States spends in other areas, such as AIDS and HIV programs and other U.N. assistance.

Measured another way, as a percentage of gross national product, the OECD's figures on development aid show that as of April, none of the world's richest countries donated even 1 percent of its gross national product.

Norway was highest, at 0.92 percent; the United States was last, at 0.14 percent.

Bush Scorecard # 26 - 38

Remember, this is only the liberal and ungodly stuff Bush has done SINCE the election, which was less than two months ago!

As liberal as John Kerry is, he'd have to go without sleep to keep up with Bush so far. I'm having a hard time just recording them.

No doubt I've missed a few.

The first 25 are on this page (click here).

26. Bush forgives all Hussein-era Iraq debt.

So much for their oil paying for the war, reimbursing American taxpayers, or providing for the families of POWs. Instead Bush had put yet more of a burden on U.S. taxpayer's backs.;s=rollingnews.htm

27. Bush shows lack of loyalty.

(NewsMax Insider)

As we saw in #23, GWB is demanding 100% allegiance to himself and his agenda. Too bad he doesn't show some loyalty himself by backstabbing John Danforth for the second time.

28. Peace, peace, no peace.

Out of one side of his mouth, GWB assures us we'll have peace in the Middle East by the end of his term, but out of the other side of his mouth he causes discord with Israeli leader Ariel Sharon. Either Bush has been munching on those "magic" mushrooms, or he thinks he's the antichrist.

29. No Christ in Bush Christmas.

Opps! A minor oversight by our Christian President. He remembered Santa, Rudolph, Hanukkah, the Menorah, and even Kwanzaa - but forgot Jesus Christ!

30. No Cross for Bush - but a Moon.

"Brother" Bush is joining arms with those who believe Sun Myung Moon is the real Messiah who came to finish what Jesus failed to accomplish. He must be getting bored with lauding Allah. This is simply blasphemy on the part of Bush. I'm glad I didn't vote for this wickedness.

31. Queers love Georgie boy

Information from 12-27-04 New American, "George W. Bush: Champion of 'Gay Rights'", p.6.

One of the last places of refuge for Bush-bots is to claim that the sodomite lobby despises him. The 12-21-04 issue of the leading "gay rights" journal, the Advocate, puts the lie to that claim. The queers love and appreciate the man who has furthered their agenda more than anyone to ever sit in the Oval Office.

32. Coats for Criminals (Illegal Aliens).

It must get down to 80 this time of year on the Mexican border, so we need to spend our tax dollars on coats for the poor, "good-hearted" lawbreakers who have to climb mountains to break our laws. Let's not make it too difficult for the terrorists to get in the country.

33. Dubya reaches leftward.\Politics\archive\200412\POL20041222a.html

Now that he has your vote and doesn't need you for reelection, GWB can go farther left than ever before. He didn't meet with the racist, liberal NAACP last term, but this time he did right away. We can expect lots more slides to the left by Bush.

34. Bush signs unconstitutional budget, with abortion regulation.

In a typical example of submitting to "the lesser of evils", President Bush signed the unconstitutional omnibus Federal health budget. It contains many unconstitutional expenditures, and options for abortion services. Of course it could have been even MORE unconstitutional and even more permissive on abortion, so that somehow makes this bill acceptable to compromisers.

35. Bush urged to help terrorized believers in Iraq.

This means our "Christian" President hasn't been helping the *terrorized* Christians in Iraq? Why, he's a Christian! Why, there's a war on terror going on over there. How can this be?

36. Bush Forgot Jesus but remembered Kwanzaa.

GWB makes no mention of Jesus Christ in his Christmas address, which would surely offend many Christians. However he would never offend a Muslim or a radical black, so he'll remember Kwanzaa and Ramadan. BTW, what is an "African American"? Is there a country called Africa that we have some kind of dual citizenship agreement with?

37. Bush Nominates Backstabber to U.S. Court.

Not too long ago Bush named Bill Pryor to finish a term, now he's making him the permanent candidate. Pryor is the judge in Alabama who ran Judge Roy Moore out of office over the Ten Commandment monument. Pryor has also supported such liberal things as abortion and gambling in previous rulings. Wasn't one of the main things the Bush-bots cried about was the importance of judicial nominees?

38. Bush Foresees a Deeper U.S. Role in Iraq

Deeper role? I thought we were ready to win and get out? Now he wants an even deeper role? During the debates he assured us the training was going splendidly. Did he LIE to us?


If you voted for Bush - YOU GOT KERRY anyway! - at least Kerry's policies. Pro-abortion, pro-sodomite, pro-Muslim, pro-illegal alien, pro-infringements on our rights (can a Bush announcement supporting the semi-auto ban be far off?).

Bush is wasting no time in betraying the "moral" contingent that he admits put him into office. But his supporters are undaunted in their admiration. It seems like these Bush-bots actually LIKE getting stabbed in the back.

He USED the faithful Bush-bots to get their votes and now they're not needed any more so he is openly discarding them like trash.

At least a cheap whore gets paid for her services, the Bush-bots got used and they will end up paying as well.

And we thought Bill Clinton was "Slick". He was an amateur compared to Bush.

# 38 Bush Foresees a Deeper U.S. Role in Iraq

Deeper role? I thought we were ready to win and get out? Now he wants an even deeper role? During the debates he assured us the training was going splendidly. Did he LIE to us?


Bush Foresees a Deeper U.S. Role in Iraq

The president warns that troop levels will not be cut next year and acknowledges that training of local forces has had mixed results.

By Maura Reynolds and Sonni Efron
Times Staff Writers
December 21, 2004

WASHINGTON — President Bush warned the American people Monday that the U.S. engagement in Iraq will intensify in the coming year, with the Jan. 30 election marking the "beginning of a process" toward democracy that will require higher troop levels and continue through 2005.

Painting a far more sober picture of the situation in Iraq than he did during his reelection campaign, Bush acknowledged that efforts to train Iraqi security forces have had only "mixed" results and that a violent insurgency has eroded morale among Iraqis and Americans.

In what is likely to be his last full-dress news conference before his inauguration next month, Bush appeared to be laying the groundwork for the first year of his second term. He argued that the Social Security system was in "crisis" and needed dramatic reform. He pledged to start simplifying the tax system. And he made it clear that troop levels in Iraq — which the Pentagon plans to raise from 138,000 to 150,000 to increase security during the election — are unlikely to be reduced next year.

The president shielded Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, who has come under renewed attack even by Bush's Republican allies for failing to adequately prepare for the aftermath of the war and adequately equip troops in the field and for displaying callousness to the families of the fallen by using a machine to sign condolence letters.

"I know Secretary Rumsfeld's heart. I know how much he cares for the troops," Bush said. "You know, sometimes perhaps his demeanor is rough and gruff, but beneath that … is a good human being who cares deeply about the military and deeply about the grief that war causes."

In the 53-minute session with reporters, Bush sought to portray the U.S. involvement in Iraq as challenging but important and refused to predict when stability would be achieved.

"My point is the elections in January are just the beginning of a process, and it's important for the American people to understand that," Bush said during his opening comments in a small auditorium next door to the White House.

"No one can predict every turn in the months ahead, and I certainly don't expect the process to be trouble-free, yet I am confident of the result," he continued. "I'm confident the terrorists will fail, the elections will go forward and Iraq will be a democracy that reflects the values and traditions of its people."

During his presidential campaign, Bush rarely discussed events in Iraq beyond the Jan. 30 election, depicting the ballot as the peak of the U.S. effort there. He would say that the training of Iraqi forces was on schedule and the U.S. troop presence could start to be drawn down once adequate Iraqi police and army forces were trained.

"We're going to train troops — and we are. We'll have 125,000 trained by the end of December," Bush said in a debate with Democratic challenger Sen. John F. Kerry in October. "Our plan is working. We're going to make elections and Iraq is going to be free, and America will be better off for it."

By contrast, Bush on Monday laid out a political timetable for next year. It includes the Jan. 30 elections to a transitional national assembly, ratification of a new constitution in October and election of a permanent government in December.

Some former administration and congressional officials said the president was trying to change Americans' expectations of what lies ahead in Iraq.

"He's clearly moving people's time horizon and understanding of the process," said James Dobbins, Bush's former envoy to Afghanistan who now directs the International Security and Defense Policy Center at the Rand Corp. "It's prudent to clear up the misunderstanding that previous statements may have created that this election in January is a watershed event after which everything will change for the better."

Dobbins said Bush wants to "begin preparing people for the more likely event, which is the insurgency does not diminish, the violence does not subside and the casualty rate does not go down."

Michael O'Hanlon, a former Congressional Budget Office national security expert and a foreign policy analyst at the Brookings Institution, said the president "was honest in a way he couldn't be all year."

"He admitted that it's not going that well," O'Hanlon said. "The spin machine didn't let them say that during the race."

In the aftermath of the U.S. invasion, American commanders said that no more than 30,000 U.S. troops would be needed on the ground by the end of 2003 and that Iraqi forces would provide security for the elections. But Bush acknowledged Monday that there have been problems training Iraqi forces.

"I would call the results mixed in terms of standing up Iraqi units who are willing to fight," Bush said. "There have been some cases where when the heat got on, they left the battlefield. That's unacceptable…. On the other hand, there were some really fine units in Fallouja, for example, in Najaf, that did their duty."

According to State Department statistics, about 115,000 Iraqis have been trained for the security forces, fewer than half of the 274,000 considered necessary to stabilize the country and permit U.S. forces to withdraw.

The picture may be even more bleak than those numbers suggest because the U.S. government has not provided statistics on casualties and desertions among Iraqi forces, according to O'Hanlon and Anthony H. Cordesman, a former Pentagon and State Department official now at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

"We know that there have been very significant desertions. It's very difficult to quantify," Cordesman said. "It's quite clear that there will not be really significant numbers of properly trained, equipped and experienced forces until mid-2005, and it's likely the numbers will not be available until 2006."

The president also acknowledged that an upsurge in violence, especially suicide bomb attacks, was "having an effect." On Sunday, at least 65 people were killed in car bombings in Najaf and Karbala and in an ambush of Iraqi election workers in Baghdad.

"They're trying to shake the will of the Iraqi people and, frankly, trying to shake the will of the American people. And you know, car bombs that destroy young children or car bombs that indiscriminately bomb in religious sites are effective propaganda tools," Bush said. "But we must meet the objective, which is to help the Iraqis defend themselves and at the same time have a political process to go forward."

Larry Diamond, a Hoover Institution expert on democratic processes who was a consultant to U.S. authorities in Iraq, said the administration should consider postponing the Jan. 30 election to ensure greater participation in Sunni Muslim areas, where the violence has been concentrated. Sunnis, long favored under Saddam Hussein's regime, are a minority and fear losing power to majority Shiites.

"Many, many people are worried that the Jan. 30 election is going to light the fuse to civil war," Diamond said. "If you elect a parliament and freeze a political arrangement in which the Sunnis are essentially locked out and then write a constitution on the basis of that body, what incentive do they have for political action other than unrelenting violence?"

Asked whether Syria was meddling in Iraq, Bush said that the possibility was a serious concern. "Nothing's off the table" in terms of a response, he added."We have sent messages to the Syrians in the past and we will continue to do so," Bush said. "When I said the other day that I expect these countries to honor the political process in Iraq without meddling, I meant it, and hopefully those governments heard what I said."

Bush's remarks were seen as a veiled threat to impose stiffer sanctions on Damascus if cooperation lags on closing the Iraqi-Syrian border to fighters, weapons and money.

In 2003, Congress passed a law requiring the imposition of economic and political sanctions on Syria unless President Bashar Assad certifies that his country has sealed its borders and stopped sponsoring terrorism. Bush imposed the mildest possible sanctions in hopes of persuading Damascus to cooperate but can turn to far more punitive measures.

The Syrian ambassador to the United States, Imad Moustapha, said Syria is doing everything possible to police its border with Iraq but will increase its efforts if the U.S. is dissatisfied.

"While we do not believe there is a huge infiltration problem, even if it is a very small one, we agreed with the [Iraqi] government to work together to address this issue," Moustapha said in a telephone interview.

On relations with Russia, Bush declined to criticize President Vladimir V. Putin for recent anti-democratic moves, such as eliminating the general election of regional governors and increasing state control over the media. He stressed that although the United States and Russia do not see eye to eye on many political matters, the countries have an important mutual security agenda, especially on nuclear issues.

In particular, Bush called for giving Russian inspectors greater access to American nuclear facilities — a shift in policy that experts described as a "breakthrough" for nuclear security cooperation.

"I think one of the things we need to do is to give the Russians equal access to our sites, our nuclear storage sites, to see what works and what doesn't work, to build confidence between our two governments," Bush said.

The remark appeared to be the first acknowledgment by the administration that the United States, in a confidence-building effort, had permitted Russian officials to visit nuclear sites in Texas, New Mexico and South Carolina in recent months to model the kind of openness they would like to see on the Russian side.

Bill Hoehn, director of the Washington office of the nonpartisan Russian-American Nuclear Security Advisory Council, said that in order to inspect Russian facilities, U.S. officials must be more willing to let Russians inspect American installations.

"This idea has been resisted for a long time by a number of administrations," Hoehn said. "If they are talking seriously about this, it represents something of a breakthrough on the U.S. side."

# 37 Bush Nominates Backstabber to U.S. Court

Not too long ago Bush named Bill Pryor to finish a term, now he's making him the permanent candidate. Pryor is the judge in Alabama who ran Judge Roy Moore out of office over the Ten Commandment monument. Pryor has also supported such liberal things as abortion and gambling in previous rulings.

Wasn't one of the main things the Bush-bots cried about was the importance of judicial nominees?

Pryor choice for court

WASHINGTON -- President Bush on Thursday said he intends to renominate former Alabama Attorney General William Pryor to a lifetime position on the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

Pryor is now on the court temporarily, thanks to a special appointment.

The 11th Circuit hears cases out of Alabama, Florida and Georgia.

(Related: Bill Pryor Got His Judas Money; The Transcript of the Trial of Chief Justice Roy Moore, Including Bill Pryor's Cross Examination -- Also read Chuck Baldwin's eye-witness account of the trial.)

# 36 Bush Forgot Jesus but remembered Kwanzaa

GWB makes no mention of Jesus Christ in his Christmas address, which would surely offend many Christians. However he would never offend a Muslim or a radical black, so he'll remember Kwanzaa and Ramadan.

BTW, what is an "African American"? Is there a country called Africa that we have some kind of dual citizenship agreement with?

Bush sends greetings to African Americans who observe Kwanzaa :

Washington, Dec 24 :

United States President George W Bush has greeted African Americans on the occasion of Kwanzaa, a festival celebrating the seven principles of African culture.

"Kwanzaa celebrations provide an opportunity to focus on the importance of family, community, and history, and to reflect on the "Nguzo Saba" or seven principles of African culture," Bush said in his message.

"These principles emphasise unity, self-determination, collective work and responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity, and faith.

Kwanzaa strengthens the ties that bind communities across America and around the world and reflects the great promise and diversity of America," the President said. PTI

# 35 Bush urged to help terrorized believers in Iraq

This means our "Christian" President hasn't been helping the *terrorized* Christians in Iraq? Why, he's a Christian! Why, there's a war on terror going on over there. How can this be?


Bush urged to help terrorized believers in Iraq

Targeting of non-Muslim minorities prompting massive exodus

December 25, 2004

© 2004

The escalation of terrorism against religious places of worship, holy sites and believers in Iraq is causing non-Muslim minorities to flee in ever increasing numbers, threatening their survival, says an independent panel in a letter to President Bush. The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, created by Congress to advise the president and secretary of state, said it has urgently requested a meeting with Bush to discuss the "dire" situation. The violent attacks are having a particularly devastating effect on the ChaldoAssyrian, Mandean and Yizidi minorities, the panel said, announcing the letter yesterday.

Tens of thousands of Iraqi Christians reportedly have fled their homeland in recent months. "During this holiday season, the commission's letter reminds everyone of the need for urgent measures to be taken to protect religious minorities, particularly the ChaldoAssyrians, the largest non-Muslim minority in Iraq, which has a long history of persecution," said USCIRF co-vice chairman Felice D. Gaer. USCIRF chairman Preeta D. Bansal pointed out that worshippers at Shia mosques also have been targeted by terrorists. "Both Shia and Sunni clerics have been victims of assassination attempts, in some cases reportedly for their perceived moderate stance," Bansal said.

Co-vice chairman Nina Shea, director of the Center for Religious Freedom at Freedom House, believes it's crucial that the U.S. government take measures to safeguard and support Iraq's terrorized religious minorities and places of worship. "Increasing security for religious minorities and channeling U.S. reconstruction and election resources directly to them will reinforce the willingness of these groups to stay in their homeland," she said, "and enable them to participate fully in the upcoming elections, and thus have their voices heard in the drafting of the permanent constitution."

The text of the letter follows:

Dear Mr. President,

Knowing of your interest in our work on religious freedom, we wish to take this opportunity to raise a matter of deep concern that requires your Administration’s immediate attention. As you are aware, religious places of worship, holy sites, and individual members of religious communities have been targeted by recent violence in Iraq. The escalation of religious terror since August is having a particularly devastating effect on many of Iraq’s non-Muslim minorities-the ChaldoAssyrians, Mandeans, and Yizidis-who are reportedly fleeing the country in ever increasing numbers, raising questions about the very survival of these ancient communities.

We urgently request a meeting with you to discuss this dire situation. The magnitude of the crisis is most strikingly illustrated by the plight of Iraq’s largest non-Muslim minority, the ChaldoAssyrians, whose church was among the first in Christian history and whose people are a unique ethnic group indigenous to Iraq.

This minority has had a long history of persecution and marginalization in Iraq, including being forced by Saddam Hussein to deny its ethnicity and claim either Arab or Kurdish identity. Nevertheless, through the centuries they have kept intact their Aramaic language, their cultural traditions and the practice of their faith, and today they constitute approximately three percent of the population.

However, as part of the ongoing violence-and as a direct consequence of their religious identities and perceived support for the United States-this community now faces a looming threat to its continued existence in Iraq. This threat manifests itself daily and in many forms, as has been reported by the media: abductions, abuse, extra-judicial killings, and the unlawful imposition of Islamic codes of dress and behavior.

Perhaps most ominous has been an ongoing series of simultaneous church bombings each month since August. The persecution described in such press accounts is compounded by additional reports that Kurdish authorities are facilitating the takeover of ChaldoAssyrian property and villages, and have discriminated against the ChaldoAssyrian community in the reconstruction and development of its villages and areas.

As a direct consequence of this ongoing violence, tens of thousands of Iraqi Christians have reportedly fled their homeland in recent months, uprooting their families to Jordan and Syria, where they are impoverished and not given the refugee status that would allow them to work.

The ChaldoAssyrians are an educated and skilled community, who strongly support the formation in Iraq of a liberal democracy that protects the human rights of every individual. Their continued exodus from Iraq would signal the demise of one of the world’s historic religious communities, and also would diminish the country’s prospects for political and economic development.

The Iraqi interim government and some prominent Muslim leaders, notably Ayatollah al-Sistani, have acknowledged the inherent harm this onslaught against the non-Muslim minority poses for the country’s future and have publicly condemned it. The experience of the ChaldoAssyrians is one example of the violence against religious communities in Iraq.

Worshippers at Shia mosques have also been targeted by insurgent bombs, and both Shia and Sunni clerics have been victims of assassination attempts, in some cases reportedly for their perceived moderate stance.

More than 300 Iraqis reportedly have been forcibly tried before extra-judicial religious courts that impose an extremist version of Islamic law. Furthermore, reportedly in some places women are being compelled to wear Islamic dress, and university campuses are enforcing separate entrances, classrooms, and campuses for men and women.

Taken together, such assaults on religious freedom constitute an egregious denial of fundamental human rights, and threaten the stability of a unified Iraqi state, as well as the ultimate success of U.S. policy objectives in the region.

To protect freedom of religion and belief in Iraq, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom recommends the U.S. government take the following steps:

1. Create and dispatch joint Iraqi-Coalition taskforces where a demonstrated threat exists to help protect religious minorities and places of worship. This is particularly urgent as there is a rising fear of attacks timed to coincide with the Christmas season. Increasing the level of security for religious minorities will reinforce the willingness of these groups to participate in upcoming elections.

2. Channel proportional reconstruction and relief funds directly to the ChaldoAssyrian community rather than exclusively through Kurdish- or Arab-run governorates. There are reports that reconstruction funding earmarked for the governorate level is not reaching the ChaldoAssyrian villages; such a measure will ensure that the community is able to rebuild basic infrastructure in its villages-including water and electrical systems, school facilities, and housing-free from reported discriminatory allocation practices on the part of local government. In addition, raise the reports of ChaldoAssyrian property and villages being taken over with the regional Kurdish authorities, and seek assurances from them that there will be no discrimination practiced against this community.

3. Give clear directives to American officials and recipients of U.S. democracy-building grants to assign priority to ensuring that strong guarantees of the right of every Iraqi to freedom of religion and belief, including an endorsement of equality for women, and other fundamental human rights of the individual will be included in the permanent constitution. Such provisions are incorporated in Iraq’s Transitional Administrative Law, and official American advisors should work during the course of the drafting process of the permanent constitution to ensure that they will be carried over.

4. Bar all direct U.S. election funding and support to Iraqi political groups that fail to endorse strong constitutional safeguards for individual’s human right to freedom of thought, conscience and belief, and related human rights. U.S. resources should be used to support groups and individual candidates who advocate the freedom of religion and belief.

5. Publicly encourage the eligible electorate within the half million-strong Iraqi-American community to participate in the upcoming Iraqi elections and facilitate this process by making available U.S. facilities, resources, and expertise as necessary. When the Commission issued its annual report last May, it urged you to appoint a high-level U.S. human rights envoy to Iraq who will encourage the incorporation of human rights principles in Iraq’s permanent constitution, serve as the point of contact for Iraqi human rights institutions, and facilitate access to American expertise and other assistance to support Iraq’s effort to confront human rights challenges.

The Commission reiterates this recommendation with the conviction that the need is all the more pressing as Iraq takes critical steps over the next year toward National Assembly elections, the drafting and adopting of a permanent constitution, and the country’s first constitutionally-based national elections. Safeguarding the right of everyone to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion, and protecting the human rights of members of religious minorities is a bellwether for assessing the viability of democratic rule.

Without the right to religious freedom, guaranteed in law and observed in fact, Iraqi non-Muslim minorities will be persecuted and driven out, and Iraqi Muslims, particularly women and dissident reformers, will be stifled and suppressed.

The Commission is eager to discuss these urgent matters with you in person at your earliest convenience.

Thank you in advance for your consideration.

# 34 Bush signs unconstitutional budget, with abortion regulation

In a typical example of submitting to "the lesser of evils", President Bush signed the unconstitutional omnibus Federal health budget. It contains many unconstitutional expenditures, and options for abortion services. Of course it could have been even MORE unconstitutional and even more permissive on abortion, so that somehow makes this bill acceptable to compromisers.

Federal health budget, abortion language OK'd

The giant omnibus spending package heralds lean times ahead for the federal funding of medical research and health information technology efforts.

For fiscal 2005, NIH received a $573 million increase over the 2004 budget.

By Joel B. Finkelstein, AMNews staff.

Washington -- President Bush recently signed into law a fiscal year 2005 appropriations package that leaves little room for funding new programs but includes a controversial measure that could limit payment for providing abortion services.

Language inserted into the $143 billion budget for the Labor and Health and Human Services departments is designed to allow health insurers, hospitals and other medical institutions to choose not to offer or pay for abortions or abortion counseling and referrals. State governments and federal agencies found to be discriminating against these institutions for not offering these services risk losing federal funding.

According to proponents, the measure simply expounds on a law that has been on the books for more than 25 years but that some jurisdictions have interpreted as referring only to individual physicians, nurses and others.

"My experience as a physician -- and I still see patients -- is that the majority of nurses, technicians and doctors who claim to be pro-choice, who claim to support Roe v. Wade, always say to me that they would never want to participate in an abortion, perform an abortion, or be affiliated with doing an abortion," the provision's author, Rep. Dave Weldon, MD (R, Fla.), said in a statement.

Reproductive rights groups have used loopholes in current law to coerce hospitals and health plans into offering abortion services and to require that physicians provide referrals, said Gene Rudd, MD, associate executive director of the Christian Medical & Dental Assns.

"How can we force people to do something morally unconscionable like that when it's clearly such a controversial issue that people have strong emotions about? Ironically, the pro-choice people don't want to allow people to have that choice," he said.But the provision could have the effect of limiting women's access to abortion services and jeopardizing physicians' ability to inform patients of all of their medical options at federally funded family planning clinics, "effectively gagging physicians across the country," said a letter to Congress from Vivian M. Dickerson, MD, president of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

So far, the Weldon provision also has been challenged in two lawsuits, including one filed by California Attorney General Bill Lockyer, who called it a "back-door attempt to overturn Roe v. Wade." He also said it raises state sovereignty issues.

The National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Assn. also has filed a lawsuit claiming that the provision is at odds with regulations requiring all family planning clinics receiving federal funding to provide referrals for women requesting information on abortion.On the appropriations end of the measure, Congress managed to cut about $3 billion from the original House and Senate proposals for the Labor and HHS departments. One victim of the belt tightening is the National Institutes of Health, which received a lower funding increase than research advocates had expected.

"It was anticipated that there would be a slowdown in support in the post-doubling era," said Bill Leinweber, who is the vice president of Research!America, a public education and advocacy alliance of which the American Medical Association is a member. The goal to double the NIH budget in five years successfully ended in 2003."The research community worked diligently to make that a soft landing, but as we look at the numbers now, this can be termed nothing less than a crash landing," he said.

Overall, the NIH received $28.6 billion in the 2005 budget, a $573 million or 2% increase over 2004. Much of that money will go to support ongoing multiyear research. But at that funding level, the NIH can afford to increase the average grant budget by only 1.3%, while the cost of doing research has gone up by 3.5%, according to estimates by the American Assn. for the Advancement of Science.The new funding level also means that NIH likely will fall far short of its anticipated funding of 515 more research grants in 2005.

The HHS budget also fails to deliver new funding for the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, run by David Brailer, MD.Having come into the office a couple of months after the president submitted his budget proposal, Dr. Brailer had little time to make his case to Congress. "Money is important, it's the starting point of programs, but I don't think the act was intentional," he told AMNews.

Dr. Brailer and his staff will keep receiving their paychecks but will have to convince other offices and agencies within the department to provide funding for their projects.The IT office also will continue to work closely with the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, which received $50 million for investing in health information technology initiatives.

In contrast, some public health initiatives did well in the 2005 budget. For example, another funding boost was secured for community health centers, which are a Bush administration priority for dealing with the problem of uninsured Americans.The health centers received an additional $131 million over 2004 levels, for a total of $1.6 billion in 2005. The increase fell $88 million shy of the president's request. About $31 million will go toward supporting existing grants to help with the rising cost of providing health care.With other health-related priorities being cut back, health centers can't really complain about getting less of an increase than originally proposed, said a spokeswoman for the National Assn. for Community Health Centers.

At current levels, HHS still can fund only about one in every four clinics that apply for federally qualified status.


Growth slowdownAppropriations for the National Institutes of Health continue to increase each year, but the rising cost of administering grants and maintaining infrastructure cuts into research and development funding, as shown here.

R&D spending(in billions)

2005 $27.43
2004 $27.22
2003 $26.74

That is $81.39 billion unconstitutional spending by the G.W. Bush

2002 $23.39
2001 $20.76
2000 $18.48
1999 $16.41
1998 $14.53
1997 $13.71
1996 $13.04

Note: 2004 and 2005 are estimated figures.

Source: American Assn. for the Advancement of Science, November

For fiscal 2005, NIH received a $573M increase over the 2004 budget

Socialists and Fascists pigs at the federal hog trough:

Overall, the NIH received $28.6 billion in the 2005 budget, a $573 million or 2% increase over 2004.

Much of that money will go to support ongoing multiyear research. The health centers received an additional $131 million over 2004 levels, for a total of $1.6 billion in 2005. The increase fell $88 million shy of the president's request. About $31 million will go toward supporting existing grants to help with the rising cost of providing health care.

Thursday, December 23, 2004

# 33 Dubya reaches leftward.

Now that he has your vote and doesn't need you for reelection, GWB can go farther left than ever before. He didn't meet with the racist, liberal NAACP last term, but this time he did right away. We can expect lots more slides to the left by Bush.\Politics\archive\200412\POL20041222a.html

NAACP Welcomes White House Meeting With President Bush

By Susan Jones Morning Editor
December 22, 2004

( - President Bush invited outgoing NAACP President and CEO Kweisi Mfume to the White House for a private meeting on Tuesday --- something the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) described as a "surprise move." According to an NAACP press release, Mfume wrote to President Bush on November 5, two days after Bush won re-election, requesting an opportunity to discuss "some of the domestic and social problems that continue to plague us as a nation."

Four years ago, the Bush White House ignored a similar letter from Mfume, the NAACP press release said. The NAACP also noted that in 2004, "President Bush became the first President since Warren G. Harding to refuse to meet with the country's oldest and largest civil rights organization when he declined an invitation to speak at the 2004 NAACP Annual Convention in Philadelphia.

"But that was then and this is now: "We welcome any meeting with an American President," said Julian Bond, chairman of the NAACP National Board of Directors, in Tuesday's press release."After being shut out of the White House for four years, we look forward to discussion about our differences -- and even agreement when our agendas intersect."

According to Bond, "the NAACP has been wrongly accused of being hostile to Republicans." He said the organization has had "good relationships" with Education Secretary Rod Paige and Secretary of State Colin Powell, who have spoken at our meetings; with National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice who received an Image Award from the NAACP; and even with Attorney General John Ashcroft, whose appointment the NAACP opposed.

"We object to policies, not to parties, and when we think the policies are wrong, we're not afraid to say so," Bond stated.

But the Internal Revenue Service is currently investigating whether some Bond's remarks as NAACP chairman violate the organization's tax-exempt status. In remarks to hundreds of cheering liberal activists in June, Bond singled out Republicans as enemies of black Americans and compared conservatives to the terrorist Taliban who once ruled Afghanistan.

"Their idea of equal rights is the American flag and the Confederate swastika flying side by side," Bond told a cheering audience last spring. "They've written a new constitution for Iraq and ignore the Constitution here at home. They draw their most rabid supporters from the Taliban wing of American politics. Now they want to write bigotry back into the Constitution."

According to the Washington Post, Mfume described his Tuesday meeting with President Bush as a "man-to-man" discussion about repairing the strained relationship between Bush and the NAACP.

Mfume was quoted as saying he hopes Tuesday's meeting will pave the way for "future dialogue between the NAACP and the White House." He told reporters that President Bush asked for his advice on various issues, "particularly issues affecting race in this country."

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

# 32 Coats for Criminals (Illegal Aliens)

It must get down to 80 this time of year on the Mexican border, so we need to spend our tax dollars on coats for the poor, "good-hearted" lawbreakers who have to climb mountains to break our laws. Let's not make it too difficult for the terrorists to get in the country.


Bush snuggles illegal aliens

Feds equip agents with blankets, 'heat packs' to help crossers in cold weather

December 22, 2004 © 2004

While bone-chilling winter temperatures don't deter illegal aliens from crossing the border, the U.S. is taking measures to provide what some might call a warm welcome for the lawbreakers. Border Patrol agents in Arizona are now being issued blankets and "heat packs" to help those suffering from the effects of cold weather.

"They have to spend the night in the elements, in the cold," Cmdr. Ron Bellavia, with the U.S. Border Patrol's Search, Trauma and Rescue Team told KOLD-TV in Tucson. "They have to climb through 9,000 feet of mountains and drop back down and go through cold valleys."

So to help those in need, every Border Patrol agent can distribute blankets and miniature hand warmers, which are small packets that heat up when unwrapped.

As WorldNetDaily reported in September, a Time magazine story indicated illegal immigration into the U.S. has accelerated in the last year, since President Bush proposed a temporary worker program that amounts to a limited amnesty program that would allow millions to remain in the U.S. legally. This year, according to the report, some 3 million more illegal aliens will enter the country – "enough to fill 22,000 Boeing 737-700 airliners, or 60 flights every day for a year."

On Monday, Bush did not back off the guest-worker program as he discussed his view of the proper role of immigration authorities. "We want our Border Patrol agents chasing, you know, crooks and thieves and drug-runners and terrorists, not good-hearted people who are coming here to work," Bush said. "And therefore, it makes sense to allow the good-hearted people who are coming here to do jobs that Americans won't do a legal way to do so. And providing that legal avenue, it takes the pressure off the border."

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

# 31 Queers love Georgie Boy

Information from 12-27-04 New American, "George W. Bush: Champion of 'Gay Rights'", p.6.

One of the last places of refuge for Bush-bots is to claim that the sodomite lobby despises him.

The 12-21-04 issue of the leading "gay rights" journal, the Advocate, puts the lie to that claim.

The queers love and appreciate the man who has furthered their agenda more than anyone to ever sit in the Oval Office.

Bush administration lackey Abner Mason wrote a guest column for the Advocate. He is executive director of the AIDS Responsibility Project and Chairman of the International Subcommittee for the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS.

Among the kisses he blew to Georgie boy:
"By supporting civil unions for gay couples - which, practically speaking, is the cutting-edge issue in the battle for equality - President Bush has become a leading advocate for gay rights."

President Bush's support "has made it a lot easier for others to recognize civil unions, especially political leaders in [conservative] red states."

"Only eight days before the election, Bush publicly embraced the [Howard] dean position, which was also Kerry's position. The previously controversial - and in Dean's case heroic - position of supporting civil unions was now that of a conservative president."

# 30 No Cross for Bush - but a Moon

"Brother" Bush is joining arms with those who believe Sun Myung Moon is the real Messiah who came to finish what Jesus failed to accomplish. He must be getting bored with lauding Allah. This is simply blasphemy on the part of Bush. I'm glad I didn't vote for this wickedness."

Bush supports cross-hating movement

President's father also praises work of Rev. Moon-linked clergy group

December 21, 2004

© 2004

Both President Bush and his father have expressed their support for a group of mostly black church leaders that endorses the practice of throwing the cross into the trash – literally.

According to an online column by John Gorenfeld, the American Clergy Leadership Conference sponsored a nationwide "Tear Down The Cross" day for Easter 2003 during which pastors led ceremonies where traditional sanctuary crosses were tossed into dumpsters. Over 100 crosses reportedly were trashed. Writes Gorenfeld, "This [cross removal], movement leaders said, cleared the way for a new age and second messiah."

Last week, the movement's leaders presided over a Washington prayer breakfast featuring messages of thanks from both Bush presidents.

Though ACLC's website says part of its purpose is to "promote through fellowship the unity of the body of Christ," it also aims to "foster cooperation and understanding among all religions." That cooperation is evidenced by the involvement of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, the founder of the Unification Church who was dubbed the king of peace at a coronation ceremony in the Dirksen Senate Office Building earlier this year. The organization also works closely with both Muslim and Jewish clergy.

Two sponsors of last week's breakfast, the International and Interreligious Federation of World Peace and the American Family Coalition, are both affiliated with Moon. "One series of photos found on Moon's website, but purged after receiving unfavorable attention earlier this year from evangelicals, shows Massachusetts preacher John Kingara taking down the cross from his church, hauling it behind the old brick building and hoisting it into a dumpster," writes Gorenfeld. "Another shows a ritual in Israel disposing of the cross in the earth.

Writes Gorenfeld: "In Moon's teachings, God himself is shedding tears over mankind's obsession with the cross, which prevents us from recognizing the real 'returning lord': Moon himself. It's no secret. This is something he's patiently explained to many audiences of congressmen and former Republican presidents over the years, in Washington pageants that hardly ever make the news."

The columnist says Bush sent a "warm letter" of support presented at the breakfast by a state senator, in which the president and first lady sent best wishes to the sponsors -- and thanked them for rallying his "armies of compassion."

Here are more links covering Bush's support of the Moonies, including the Moonie-owned Washington Times account:

"Many people think that God will liberate us, but now that we recognize that God's heart is under confinement, we understand that we should liberate God and bring Him into complete freedom," said Rev. Moon.

President Bush sent welcoming greetings to the participants. "As pastors and community leaders, you are part of the armies of compassion who help to change lives, one heart and one soul at a time. I applaud your dedication and your commitment to serving others. Laura joins me in sending our best wishes," Mr. Bush said in a letter read by Arizona state Sen. Mark Anderson, a Republican.

Moon's followers, whose frank call for crushing Western democracy, combined with success in recruiting teenagers, made them a popular nightmare on the evening news.

Rev. Sun Myung Moon, the founder of the Unification Church who was dubbed the king of peace at a coronation ceremony in the Dirksen Senate Office Building earlier this year.

Ahhh! Mixing church and state!

# 29 No Christ in Bush Christmas

Opps! A minor oversight by our Christian President. He remembered Santa, Rudolph, Hanukkah, the Menorah, and even Kwanzaa - but forgot Jesus Christ!

December 21, 2004

Bush White House's Christ-less Christmas

Official commemorations emphasize Santa, Rudolph over Jesus in 2004

WASHINGTON -- What's missing from the White House commemoration of Christmas this year?Jesus. The little baby in the manger. The reason for the season.

While President Bush was re-elected last month in an election victory many attributed to an outpouring of support by evangelical Christians impressed with his candid outspokenness about his faith, some Americans notice the White House website lacks even a single mention of Jesus, whose birth is celebrated by hundreds of millions worldwide Dec. 25.

The official White House site proclaims this as the "Season of Merriment and Melody" – not the birth of the Savior of the world. On Dec. 9, Bush participated in a special menorah lighting ceremony at the White House. Likewise, Bush issued a Hanukkah proclamation Dec. 7. In 2001, Bush issued a Kwanzaa greeting from the White House, and repeated it in 2002 and 2003.

# 28 Peace, peace, no peace.

Out of one side of his mouth, GWB assures us we'll have peace in the Middle East by the end of his term, but out of the other side of his mouth he causes discord with Israeli leader Ariel Sharon. Either Bush has been munching on those "magic" mushrooms, or he thinks he's the antichrist.

I will bring peace to Middle East, Bush promises

By Inigo Gilmore in Jerusalem and Alec Russell in Washington
(Filed: 20/12/2004)

President George W Bush yesterday predicted that he would bring peace between Israel and the Palestinians during his second term in office, making a strikingly bold assessment of his foreign-policy goals for the next four years.

"I want you to know that I am going to invest a lot of time and a lot of creative thinking so that there will finally be peace between Israel and the Palestinians," Mr Bush told the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Aharonoth.

"I am convinced that, during this term, I will manage to bring peace."

... more on website

...Jer 6:14 They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace.

1Th 5:3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

Sudden Discord between Bush and Sharon


Exclusive Report from Washington
December 17, 2004, 11:41 PM (GMT+02:00)

Israel’s prime minister Ariel Sharon was warned many a time to beware of placing all his major policy eggs in the George W. Bush basket. But from the time he first took office more than three years ago, he never wavered from his bond with the US president. Their friendship was often cited as one of Sharon’s prime assets. And until last week, the Bush administration stood behind the prime minister and heartily endorsed his plan to withdraw from the Gaza Strip and northern West Bank in stages ending in September 2005. But then the wind blowing in from Washington suddenly turned chill. In the last week, according to DEBKAfile’s Washington sources, the White House suddenly spun its sympathies around from Ariel Sharon and his disengagement plan to Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), Fatah frontrunner in the Palestinian January 9 election, and his sweeping demands for territorial concessions.

Our sources in Washington believe that the determining factor in the US president’s turnabout was the message from Abbas that he will be in a position to announce a comprehensive ceasefire on or around January 1. He promises to bring all the Palestinian organizations including the radical Hamas and Jihad Islami into the truce.

Monday, December 20, 2004

# 27 Bush shows lack of loyalty

(NewsMax Insiders Report)

As we saw in #23, GWB is demanding 100% allegiance to himself and his agenda. Too bad he doesn't show some loyalty himself.

1. Why John Danforth Resigned

A Washington foreign policy insider tells NewsMax that Danforth took the U.N. job on the condition that he be considered as a top candidate to replace Colin Powell if and when Powell stepped down.

President Bush nominated Condi Rice to the top diplomatic job last month.

Danforth and his supporters felt betrayed. It was the second time Danforth felt let down by Bush. He was also Bush's top choice for the vice presidential slot in the 2000 election, but Bush opted for Dick Cheney instead.

Saturday, December 18, 2004

# 26 Bush forgives all Hussein-era Iraq debt

So much for their oil paying for the war, reimbursing American taxpayers, or providing for the families of POWs. Instead Bush had put yet more of a burden on U.S. taxpayer's backs.;s=rollingnews.htm

US to write off USD4.1bn in Iraqi debts

Friday, December 17 09:07:54

The US is to write off Iraq's debts to Washington of USD4.1bn racked up during the regime of Saddam Hussein.

The debt write-off accord will be signed in Washington today by US Secretary of State Colin Powell, Treasury Secretary John Snow and Iraq's Finance Minister Adel Abdel Mahdi, according to a State Department statement.

"The signing of the debt cancellation agreement is the bilateral agreement that implements the United States' part of the Paris Club debt-reduction agreement reached November 21, 2004," the statement said.

"In fact the United States will go beyond the 80 percent reduction agreed at the Paris Club and forgive 100 percent of the 4.1 billion dollars Iraq owes the United States from the Saddam era," it said.

In late November, the Paris Club of 19 creditor countries, including the US, Japan, Russia and EU nations, said its members had agreed to wipe out 80 pct of the money it is owed by Iraq over three years. Iraq owes the Paris Club nations some 40 bln usd, about one-third of the country's foreign debt.

Friday, December 17, 2004

Bush Scorecard # 1 - 25

Remember, this is only the liberal and ungodly stuff Bush has done SINCE the election, which was only six weeks ago! As liberal as John Kerry is, he'd have to go without sleep to keep up with Bush so far. I'm having a hard time just recording them. No doubt I've missed a few. I have detailed information on each of these.

1. Lesbian partner on stage.

The day after Bush was reelected he allows his VP Dick Cheney to not only put his lesbian daughter on the platform, but to bring her lesbian 'partner' up on the stage along with other 'spouses'.

2. Arlen Specter positioned to block conservative judges.


Bush campaigned for pro-abort, pro-queer Specter, helping him to a 1% win over conservative Republican Pat Toomey. Now Specter promises to block conservative judges, and the evidence shows Bush knew that's what he was getting.

3. Bush push to reward illegal aliens for being lawbreakers.


President Bush yesterday moved aggressively to resurrect his plan to relax rules against illegal immigration, a move bound to anger conservatives just days after they helped re-elect him.

4. W insinuates that Yasser Arafat is going to heaven (and honors Bill Clinton).


Admittedly this is an assumption, but when Bush's spokesman was asked twice if this meant Bush was a Universalist (all religions lead to heaven), the spokesman refuse to answer despite Bush's own clear words affirming Universalist doctrine (

It is clear that Bush believes Muslims are going to heaven.

If that is not sufficient to stand on it's own, we could include the leak that war with Iran is coming soon as point #4.

And if that’s not enough, use Bush’s declaration that he is going to “honor” Bill Clinton at the dedication of the Clinton library (which surely has a large porn section) “in tribute to one of our own”.


5. Bush names pro-abort Attorney General Alberto Gonzales

( (

Besides being pro-abortion, Gonzales cast the deciding vote denying parental consent when minor daughters have abortions. Gonzales wrote a controversial February 2002 memo in which Bush claimed the right to waive anti-torture law. He is also an advocate of illegal alien benefits.

6. Bush vows to create a Palestinian state (by taking land from Israel).

Many Christian believe this violates the promise to Abraham in Gen 12, and it certainly is an unconstitutional act of interference with a sovereign nation (but that's the 'in' thing with Bush, see Iraq.)

7. Bush push to renew Patriot Act intrusions into our rights.

Surveillance, information, wiretaps, banking records, "Sneak & Peek" warrants where the owner is not informed. If charged, no speedy trial, no counsel, no appeal, no evidence, no presumption of innocence.

8. Bush replaces pro-abort Powell with pro-abort Rice as Sec. of State

And calls this liberal, pro-abortion, black woman "the face of America". She wanted to be Sec. of Defense.

9. Bush adds three more sodomites to his administration (from six to nine).

One of them was his campaign manager, yes, Bush's campaign was run by a queer.

10. Bush persecutes pro-lifers.

Bush supports the FACE Act which prevents pro-lifers from protesting near abortion chambers. Pro-abortionists however, can protest anywhere they want, even right at the abortuaries.

11. Bush supports queers in military.

Even with AIDS and STDs rising again, Bush supports the current policy of allowing sodmites into the military.

12. Bush stabs Swift Boat Veteran in the back.

He already stabbed the Swifties once by agreeing to file a lawsuit to silence them from exposing Kerry's wretched military record. Now a Swiftie gets fired for not succumbing to pressure to campaign for Kerry. Who's side is Bush on? Looks like he's a Kerry supporter.

13. Bush supports driver's licenses for *illegal* aliens.

Some Republicans in Congress, realize there's a problem with giving *illegal* aliens driver's licenses (giving them access to almost anything), but Bush doesn't care. Even without the licenses, this bill is still abhorrent because it infringes upon Americans while doing nothing to prevent foreign terrorism - in fact it aids potential foreign terrorists. But that was covered in #3 and #7 above. Which country is he president of? Mexico? The U.N? The New World Order?

14. Bush hosts reception for queer rocker Elton John.

Why not honor a sodomite performer? He honored Ozzy Osbourne, the drug-drenched leader of the occultist rock band Black Sabbath during his first term. Maybe he can have them both play at his coronation inauguration.

15. Ultra-liberal Democrat Dean appalled at Bush's excessive spending.

It's pretty bad when an ultra-lib is complaining that Bush is spending too much, including $2 million for his own boat. Hey, it's only OUR money. Though his level of unconstitutional spending is atrocious (whether on 'good' things or 'bad' things), it's unbelievable where the president's spending priorities lie.

16. W robs Peter to pay Paul (borrows to fund socialist insecurity).

He's going to spend an additional $2 trillion that he doesn't have a plan to account for, so the plan is the usual - rape the taxpayers.

17. Bush fund$ terrorists!

Foreign aid is unconstitutional as it is. Aid to our enemies is stupid and suicidal. But here Bush is giving our tax money to a TERRORIST organization - while we are supposedly fighting a war against terror!

18. Bush administration betrays Gulf War POWs
12-13-04 p. 8

Our government has betrayed our POWs from previous wars, why should this one be any different? The Bush administration intervened in court on the side of Saddam Hussein and Iraq to erase the POW's judgment from the books.

19. Bush administration backs UN Sec. Gen. Kofi Annan

They are denying his role in the oil-for-food scam because he is a man of integrity, and they don't want to cloud the image of the UN.

20. Bush administration accelerates Mexican infiltration of U.S.

They are financing American corporations for sending our jobs to Mexico. Illegal immigration is now downgraded to the soft-soap term "migration".

21. Bush tabs Con-con author to HHS,2933,141335,00.html

Few Americans will remember or understand that Michael Leavitt was the *author* of the insidious Conference of the States several years ago. He wants to undermine/overthrow our Constitution - and Bush wants him in charge of HHS.

The New American refuted Leavitt a decade ago:

22. Totalitarian National ID Cards

Bush accomplished this with the complicity of the Republican-controlled Congress, none of whom even read the bill. GWB favors these totalitarian controls for American citizens, but opposes them for illegal aliens. This violates State's rights as well as individual rights.

23. FBI + CIA = KGB

Quotes from "The New American", Purges and New Powers at the CIA, 12-13-04, p. 6.

Bush's newly appointed CIA Director, Porter Goss, is pairing the CIA together with the FBI. The FBI was meant for internal matters and the CIA for external, so that neither could become a national police force (read: Gestapo or KGB). But Bush's boy is creating a national police force, at Bush's bidding.

24. Bush to sign Muslim-specific law

Washington, DC -- President George W. Bush is expected this week to sign into law a bill that officially binds Washington to engage into a long-term economic and political partnership with its key Muslim allies. The bill, called the Sept. 11th Recommendations Implementation Act, was passed by Congress last week, and with Bush's signature it will become a law. The Sept. 11 Act also suggests various proposals for improving America's image in the Islamic world and for helping its Muslim allies combat internal extremism.

25. Socialist Insecurity "Moral Achievement"

On last Saturday's weekly radio address (12-11-04), George W. Bush called Socialist Insecurity "the government's greatest moral achievement." A plan that swipes a large sum of money out of your paycheck for 30 or 40 years, invests it to make a five or ten fold return, and then pays you a few hundred bucks a month for a few years after you retire is a great moral achievement? Based on whose morality?


If you voted for Bush - YOU GOT KERRY anyway! - at least Kerry's policies. Pro-abortion, pro-sodomite, pro-Muslim, pro-illegal alien, pro-infringements on our rights (can a Bush announcement supporting the semi-auto ban be far off?).

Bush is wasting no time in betraying the "moral" contingent that he admits put him into office. But his supporters are undaunted in their admiration. It seems like these Bush-bots actually LIKE getting stabbed in the back. He USED the faithful Bush-bots to get their votes and now they're not needed any more so he is openly discarding them like trash.

At least a cheap whore gets paid for her services, the Bush-bots got used and they will end up paying as well.

And we thought Bill Clinton was "Slick". He was an amateur compared to Bush.